[@Vampy] Dom watched Moriko as she calmed down. He let out a small smile as he looked at the piece of paper. He wanted to know if she would be able to use her minds eye in order to see it. His training methods were bazaar to say the least. He knew that most didn't understand how to activate it directly after being taught. It was something that usually had tp be practiced for hours to fully grasp. He let out a little chuckle and motioned to the parchment. “He said that we would both need to open our minds eye at the same time and read the parchment?” Dom asked her not really listening to what was said in the “class.” “If that is true then please lets get this over with.” He informed her as he pulled the parchment between them. He moved next to her like a young man needing help with his homework, and asking the person next to him for it. Just so happened to be a very pretty young girl and he was a demon. [@Zetsuko] When Nybras almost nuzzled into her hand she smiled and looked at him. “It seems someone likes being pet...” She started but he shook out of it. He mentioned something about having a pupil and let out a weak and awkward chuckle after she mentioned being punished. When he got serious about teaching her… she also got serious. Like switching a light on and off. The change in her character was intense. “From what he said we both need our minds eyes in order to see what the paper contains.” She explained as she looked at him. She started to pout her lower lip and her eyes became teary as she looked at him. “I never learned how because they always made fun of me.” She explained as she looked at him and she was just about crying.