Andrew had ordered himself a bit of Scotch. He was ready for that drink and wanted to save his alcohol for when he was on the go. He would order some food for Amy, but he didn't know what she liked. After placing his order he looked back at the table, seeing Amy leaning in to talk to Gideon and wondered if there was anything there. Was it a coincidence that Amy had dropped her bag on his lap? And that it was some sort of ruse to talk to Max? No, that would be stupid. Andrew was new in town and didn't know anybody. He shook the idea out of his mind and made his way back to the table. If Amy, Gideon, or Max had watched him they might've noticed that Andrew was regaining some of his own composure, but he still looked a little wobbly. He was still in shock from his experience and was beginning to have second thoughts about being here. He had to keep telling himself that this was to help his business grow. If he were to attract the attention of any celebrities he'd need to do something that everyone else was too afraid to do. Besides, once he got his pictures he could leave. All Andrew needed to do was play tourist and learn the lay of the land. With a slightly revived confidence, he returned to the table and sat back down. "The bartender told me that our food is almost ready, if you had ordered any."