Alright, gonna get an OOC set up for this. Quick question, as for starting locations I have two ideas and I want your feedback. First idea is simple, small trader town at a crossroads. Lot of through traffic, fairly decent path to get to anywhere. Not a lot of starting hooks, but a ton of freedom to go in pretty much whatever direction we choose. Second idea is a moderately sized city built among the ruins of a much, much larger city from long before the fall of magic. Could be that the full history of the city ruins aren't known, and it's very much clear that a lot of / most of the city is still not well understood or explored. Everything from houses built into the cover provided by a statue that fell sideways, to finding whole new wings of the cities that time and ruin had blocked off and left forgotten. This would really set things up to more likely remain as a kind of ruin explorers / urban adventurers blend, meaning that there would be less potential for cross-country kinds of stuff, major scenery changes and that sort of thing. Personally I'm leaning towards the ruined city setup, but I'd like your input.