Mina was sure there was a question directed at her somewhere, but her eyes had fallen on the view outside the motel room and she couldn't keep her mind from wandering. The room faced the sight of one of the island's three trial locations. In the harsh light of the midmorning sun, the many pools of the Brooklet Hills shone like prisms, rainbows arcing from the waters. It was perfect, and Mina itched to put it on a canvas. There was lull in the motel room and Mina blinked. Anabel was holding out a strange Pokeball, blue with a certain aura that Mina couldn't place. Looker, off to the side, was watching her with an expectant look. [i]Ah![/i] There was a question, and, by the look on Anabel's face, an explanation as to what that Pokeball was. She'd have to bite the bullet on that one later, but for now, she could just pretend she was listening. [color=FF1493]"I guess you want to know where these crazy guys are,"[/color] she began. When Looker nodded, she barely bit back a sigh of relief. She'd been right with that one. [color=FF1493]"I sketched this in Heahea City."[/color] It was one of the hundred or so sketches she'd done that day while wandering around the city. Originally, she was meant to visit the other trial sites to try and find inspiration for her own trial, but when she stepped off the boat, she knew she just had to dedicate a day - or two, or six - to capturing the city and its people. Her eyes wandered back outside. The area around the motel held so much potential. She could- Right, right. She had people to talk to, and wasn't there more to do? They were still looking at her expectantly, like the way Ilima and the other Trial Captains did. Oh no. [color=FF1493]"You want me to come with you and try to catch them?"[/color] She should have expected it when the International Police contacted her, and she supposed she had. There was something about these creatures that called to her -called for her to capture them not just in Pokeballs but in something more immaculate. She shrugged, and the edge of her lips quirked up in a small smile. [color=FF1493]"Yeah, sure. Let's go. I'm not sure if they're still in the city, but it's a good start."[/color] She opened the door - the sight outside called for her, but she kept her resolve; she'd paint later - and glanced back at the two. [color=FF1493]"Is he coming with?"[/color]