[@MikkishtheLeprechaun] Jason grins licking his lips before saying something, [color=a2d39c][b]"You first Darling!"[/b] [/color]He laughs sending his wax dolls their way with a few explosive mice has well. The dolls made quick actions to Jason sending and rushed over to the person wrap their arms around parts of their body, the shortest one wrapped around his legs, the tallest one stood back because she was the heavy hitter, and the medium one grabbed the gun from his hands and threw before grabbing his arm and holding them behind his back. The mice the perches themselves on his shoulder, stomach, and knees before detonating. Jason chuckles walking up to his soon to be his supper, dragging his large bone saw against the ground coming closer the new hostile person would be able to see his appearance now completely changed, he now has bright green glowing eyes, white hair, torn rotten flesh for his cheeks and hands. [@Slendy] Raspberry calmly sits down her feet unable to touch the ground once she did so. She then gently sets down her pillow off to the side and gently takes the cup of tea. [color=f6989d]"Thank you... I'm Raspberry,[/color] She says before sipping from the teacup. [@DeadlyPhoenix] Fife nods his head walks up to his door and opens it for her. "Hey we should stay in my room for bit... I'm getting a bad feeling from being out in these hallways right now," He says taking her by the hand gently and guides her into his room has fast has he could after hearing footsteps come stomping their way.