Mmmm, now there is an IFV/APC I could get behind. It holds 12 troops! I know they would be very uncomfortable, but if all else, we could have five per platoon. It would be a far cry better than the Bradley, Namer, BMP-3 or BTR-90 where we would need 8 per platoon. With three platoons in the company, that would be either 24 versus 15 vehicles + 2 for the Company Headquarters. We could two people from the squad to be the driver and TC the way the US Army operates their Mech units or create Amphibian Assault Battalion like the USMC and have units with just driver and TC. If you take two guys away from the squads to be driver and TC it drops the number of dismounted infantry from 13 to 11. Fine by me and we have plenty of NPCs to take on the role of driver and Vehicle Commander (TC).