[@The1Rolling1Boy] Lamar fought against the dolls, nearly breaking free due to his immense strength. Alas, all his time in the gym was in vain, as a few of the toys had jumped on him, blasting open his stomach, disabling his knees, and severely damaging his shoulder. This didn't kill Lamar, but his resilience worked against him. While in most situations he would beg for his life, as he stared up at the psycho who was dragging the saw, he regretted that he hadn't opened been killed sooner. What did work in his favor, was a fuckup he made seconds ago. As the dolls rushed him he had reached for a grenade. As the dolls grabbed him, the pin had come flying off. Lamar wasn't the type to die and take the enemy with him, preferring to run or get someone else killed when things got dire, but now the grenade rolled, between him and Jason. It detonated, sending shrapnel out in all directions damaging the walls and knocking out a window. Lamar got his wish. He was now dead, and horribly mangled. [@DriveEMOut][@Ninkitty] Sam snickered. "Kid, I told you, im not here to shoot anyone. Put the knife down, I just got-" But Sam was cut off by a gunshot that nearly took off his head, but only barely missed and destroyed his ear. Sam let out a cry as blood crept down his ear. The red laser of his SMG dashed to the one who fired the shot. The man they had come for. John Miles. John dive rolled out of the way as SMG rounds slammed into the walls, a couple painting decorations, and a door. John fled down an the open entrance to the kitchen and through the kitchen, ignoring the people who were in there [@the1rolling1boy][@Slendy]. Sam stormed through into the kitchen after, pissed at the pain of his mangled ear and what a dick John was. "Where did he go!?" He yelled at the other two in there. [@booksmusicanime] Her kind demeanor veiled her irritation, and quite hostile intentions. "Ooh. You know you're a handsome leettle fairy boy." She said, as she kept him distracted, slowly pulling out her knife "Look at these leettle muscles..." She said, poking his arm lightly with her other hand.