WIP Name: Christina H Southern Alias: Honey Badger Age: 24 Gender: female Nationality/Place of Birth: Cincinnati Ohio USA Occupation: journalist and novelist Appearance: Christina has bright red medium length hair and pale skin. Her body size is average and her eyes are a wild green. She stands at about five feet and nine inches tall. When doing hero work her costume is a black and white sports jacket and sweatpants with a color design like a Honey Badger. On the chest of her jacket is the symbol of a [url=https://img.clipartfest.com/060188ba6c96672ad6138289ff7427fc_mascots-badgers-clip-art-honey-badger-head-clipart_400-332.jpeg]badger[/url]. She also wears am aviator style fur cap and black ski goggles. Personality: Christina is a very strong willed person and stands by her beliefs and opinions. She considers herself a female men's rights activist and describes her political beliefs as slightly libertarian with mainly constitutionalist views. She is a firm believer in freedom of speech and democratic capitalism. She hates professional victim-hood and those who blame their mistakes on others. As a journalist who works for several independent news outlets, Christina despises the biases of the mainstream media. She is politically incorrect and is not afraid to speak her mind. She can very sarcastic and dry in her humor and insults. Skills: She is a great writer and very skilled in the arts of journalism. She also is quiet a skilled detective and problem solver. She is well trained in Karete, Taekwondo and Jujutsu Abilities: Badger Summons: Christina can summon badgers to aid her in combat. These badgers can be of normal size or be huge like the size of a bus. She can summon dozens of normal sized badgers, but she can only summon about three giant sized badgers. Badger Transformation: She can completely or partially transform into a normal or giant sized badger. Bio: (A few paragraphs, if you'd please.) Other: (If you wanna add a theme-song or anything else, this'd be the place to toss it.)