[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Charlotte's face was one of sheer terror as she immediately regretted everything about this entire plan to get out of Astril and find long-lost alchemical secrets. She swore, her heart skipped ten beats, but that was an impossibility. She'd be dead then, but dying of fright was a very real, if rare thing. As the giant bird left with its prey, Charlotte slumped against the tree, completely exhausted. No more work for her today, nope. After that her entire body felt like jelly and she didn't want to risk working with that giant thing flying about. With a somewhat annoyed huff, she managed to push herself to her feet. Well, this had suddenly got worse. Had the native known about the bird and hadn't warned her? Of course, she could assume the native simply assumed she knew, but that was still stupid when it was concerning something that was life and death. Bah, whatever. It didn't matter. She dusted off her clothes, noticing the feather high above the trees...scientific curiosity be damned, she was in no shape to try and get that even as much as she wanted it. She couldn't run any proper tests with it now anyways, though if she could see it she'd be able to at least maybe learn something about the bird from close study of its feather...but then, she also had no really good way of getting up there easily, and if the bird came back then she'd be a dead little Charlotte, and she was not one to live dangerously for something so small. Regrettably, she'd leave it alone. She walked back to the cave, hefting the Axe over her shoulder. With that bird flying about and no way to defend herself, making any sort of large shelter would be pure folly. A man made underground one though...hmm...she could use the logs for support, rather than actual walls and such, and with some proper alchemy things it would be easy enough... She'd just need to get started with what she had. Fashioning some sort of binding agent shouldn't be too difficult, though she'd need a shovel and perhaps some sort of softener for the soil to make it easier to dig... Hmm...