[center][h2]Tia[/h2] [@thewizardguy][/center] “Did you really think you could run away from up kid?” The man asked, giving Tia a slight shake which caused the girl to let our a scream. “I've been told by Aiden that you are supposed to be a smart one but what you did was a stupid move. Did you think we would really let a gem like you escape when you've only completed part of the weapon? You are a fool to...YOU BITCH!” The man yelled as Tia took the opportunity to squirm far enough away so she could bite the man hard on his hand. Tia held on for as long as she could before the man took a swing at her and started to punch her face. She could taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth and also felt blood seeping out of her nose. The girl hoped that biting the man would startle him enough to loosen his grip but instead of that it angered the man and made him grip harder. Before Tia could think of another course of action, a loud bang was heard which made the girl flinch before she fell to the ground. Not wasting time to look for the source of the noise, Tia reached for her baton and scampered onto her feet. She wasn't sure who the shooter was and if they were aiming for her or the man but at least she wasn't dead. As the man tried to pick himself back up as he screamed in agony, Tia made a dash away from the men and as one charged in her direction with a knife in hand, Tia cranked the voltage of her baton up. It would drain her battery quicker but she need the extra edge. Taking a swing at the man as the man aimed for her, there was an audible crackle as the man was electrocuted and crumbled towards the ground. She could feel a sharp pain and glancing at her right shoulder, she saw blood. She could feel her eyes starting to tear up but Tia knew she couldn't stop. She could hear shots ringing behind her but Tia didn't know if it was from the shooter or from one of the men sided with Aiden, if not both. She didn't want to find out who the victor would be and what her fate might be if either side found her. Tia just wanted to escape. With her face bloodied and shoulder throbbing, Tia knew she couldn't run for too much longer. She would easily be found out in the open. After running for a few blocks, Tia ran into a building with its storefront window shattered and supplies looted years before she was born. Find a small supply closet, Tia closed the door behind her and hunkered down into a corner. She looked at her baton's power level and saw that it was nearly depleted. She could give someone a shock and startle them but nothing more than that until she recharged her batteries. Wrapping her arms around her knees, the girl buried her face into her knees as she let out a soft sob. This whole day was a mistake. She was finally free but nothing went according to her plans after spending two weeks to prepare for her escape.