Fiddlesticks was a hard organic to read. Toony wasn't sure exactly what he was thinking, and when she though tit was clear that she probably wasn't the best to get lasting relationship advice from, Fiddlesticks still asked her to stay close in case he had questions, complete with large eyes and everything. [color=6ecff6]"Well, if you see me at the party you can ask me questions or whatever. But I plan to just party, not babysit."[/color] Soon after, the ship came out of FTL space, a noticeable lurch as it did. The Ship AI then asked everyone to come to the bridge, having quite a distracted speech pattern while doing so. [color=6ecff6]"Wonder whats on their thoughts?"[/color] Toony said, waving for Fiddlesticks to follow as she made her way to the Bridge. When she got there, she noticed that half the crew was here. Sure Will was everywhere, and mr. Lizard guy probably didn't leave the bridge, being the one at the pilot seat and everything. Vanessa getting here so soon was a bit weird though since last Toony saw her, she was taking a nap on the couch. [color=6ecff6]"So... Party time? Any rules I should know before we go in?"[/color] Toony said after looking at their destination through the window. [color=6ecff6]"OH, and anyone need something before we go? Like a party suit or something?"[/color] she offered.