[@Alisdragon911] Price looked at her guessing she was able to hear his thoughts. "These are times where I wish I could have my human life back, but I have been this way for so long that I don't know if it's possible to go back anymore." His listened to her play his guitar, hoping she was being careful with that. It was the only thing that kept him company. He didn't even know why he was telling her all this since he had just met her not too long. He didn't even know her name either, just that she was told to look out for him by Juno. [hr] [@Ninkitty][@booksmusicanime] Arin nodded as he continued walking till they finally got to the rooms that started with 20 down to 30. "Arlight, your room somewhere around here, Heather. Think you can make it from here?" He looked at her, really hoping neither one of them would become part of the fight. That and knowing what his Dino might do to the mansion just by sheer size since they were indoors. Not that he was that angry now or anything. He just didn't want any part of a fight that wasn't his. Alexander decided he would stay with Heather until the fight ceased. He didn't know what it was that made him interested in getting to know her. He was also looking for an excuse to stay out of the fray.