[@Rekaigan] With a nod the beast acknowledged her request and held his hand up making a rather strange gesture with his hand, a sign of his word not to harm her friends at least when he could help it. Standing up once more he motioned for the Spirit Walker to follow him from the room. His hands behind his back walking with the posture of a king rather than some evil creature he was painted as. Down the stairs, down the main hall of the castle, passed rooms filled with weapons, armor, food, and treasures of gold and coin alike. As he walked her through the castle he explained what everything was with but a handful of words to give her the basic lay of the land. Coming to a stop before two large iron doors which had a rather heavy runic lock on them. From the way the runes were inscribed she might of guessed this was indeed a lock of magic then a simple key. “Anoigma os tis entoles vasilia.” Simple where the words, but with them came the same presences as when he spoke his spells before, strange but baring the weight of power behind them. Once the hall became quiet once more the runic locks could be heard coming apart one by one will the count of thirteen clicked apart. With one hand he pushed open the door allowing her to see what was so heavily guarded. “This is where you will study when you do not need rest or wish to speak with me.” For her to behold, a library filled to the brim with knowledge lost to the ages, anything she could possibly imagine could be found here. From one's own life to the ways of the past. Even the most basic understanding to the most currently understood advanced forms of magic. Spector in heavy hooded ropes wondered the library picking up books, putting them away. Constantly marking things or taking notes. They looked like the figures of the Reaper himself but seemed, weaker by looks. “The people in this place, they catalog the events that happen in all realms connected to ours. This Library has no real end, nor does it have a beginning, it just keeps going.” Walking, and hinting for her to follow, he made his way to one of the figures who stood behind a desk but a short walk from the door. The figure looked at the three that came to its desk. At this point the spirit walker to see no soul in these things, they were hollow figures who kept records of the events so when the Reaper came to collect, his judgement was true. With a bow of its head it held out its hand. Reaching to his side the Warlock produced a old silver coin which he offered to the Librarian as payment. Once that was done the creature left their sight via slow movement around the shelves to its left. With a low tone he spoke. “You will only be allowed in here when you need books, other wise this place is off limits. When you come here, do not speak, the Librarians wish this place to remain as quiet as possible, they know what you want just give them the payment, wait for your book, bow respectfully and leave.” Just as he finished speaking the Librarian came back holding three books. Taking them and bowing his head in a sign of respect the Warlock left from the door he came. Once they were outside and the door closed he looked down at the Spirit Walker. “Your old Master was not wrong when he spoke of the connect between body and soul. It is common law of magic that the body and soul are needed to produce the energy required cast spells. As you should of felt, right now without your body you have no magic to use. Only able to guide your soul as you seem fit. It would be unwise to move your body to this realm for too long lest it become dependent on it’s energy to survive.” Turning he looked at her bringing his maw to her face looking at her not as noble would a lesser person, but teacher to a student. “You will need a host body while you are here. Thus why I offered you one of they many I have here. These books you may take with you but let no one other then you open them lest you wish to feel the hunt of the Reaper himself. No go, clam a body for this land and when we meet again in this realm I will show you how to bring me what I require as payment. After that we will truly start your studies.” With that said he handed Zenovia the books and walked back to the great hall where he summoned her, giving her time to explore and claim a room before she wished to return home. His mind turning else where, to another woman, the only one who claimed him true.