‘’ The forces of Duke Stolt are not invincible! ‘’ Baron Sforza snapped, becoming incensed by the Council’s determination to sit upon its hands as the foe in the South grew in strength and numbers. ‘’ All of us will learn that to our peril when the Orc’s mass in a few months’ time. Now with final victory potentially in our grasp we are to stop and dig in? No. God is on our side and He is watching. The Crusade must go on! God wills it! ‘’ It was a sharp break with Duke James but in this instance the Baron felt he had no choice. While Sforza was a spiritual man, he was not without his own ambition. The chance to match the title of the men in this room was a tempting one. Yes, it could potentially bring consequences with his liege lord but in the end, he doubted that Duke James would bring his army down from the Summit to punish his vassal. ‘’ I vote for Duke Alaric Gyre. ‘’ Sforza said flatly, not wishing to embarrass Duke James any further with public protests. (Sforza votes for Alaric Gyre)