[img]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/film/the%20revenant/leo-head-xlarge.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lex Vasoran [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Religion:[/b] Atheist [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Occupation:[/b] Businessman [b]Abilities:[/b] -Basic hand to hand combat -Good swordsmanship -Knows his way around a gun -Excellent Writer -Great Speaker/Public Speaker -Amazing Debater -Excellent Strategist -Great Salesman -Musically Talented [b]Faults:[/b] -Superiority Complex:He is always comparing himself to others, and always strives to be better growing up from his father's treatment of his brother as the better son. He thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. -Obsessive: He's extremely obsessive and once he's focused on something he cannot get out of his head and literally will spend hours, days, perhaps even weeks focusing on this single task. [b]Power:[/b] Distribution [b]Personality:[/b] Lex is a talker and a very charming individual. He is filled with ideas, and wants to execute them and is pained when he doesn't have the power to do so. Growing up his father favored his brother, and as such he's a very jealous and possessive individual when it comes to his things. He's very selfish, and always wants what other people have. Being from wealth he's very entitled and believes he deserves things whether it's opportunities or sexual favors. He's a textbook narcissist and considers himself better then others often belittling those around him. [b]History:[/b] Lex Vamason comes from wealth raised by his father Chester, his mother Alexis, and his older brother Thomas. Lex's family was very successful his father was a famous businessman involved in many ventures, and his mother was a famous actress. She died in a car accident when Lex was only five years old and was Alexis's favorite child. As a result he was shown little love as Chester liked Thomas more, and he suffered the short end of the stick growing up always striving to prove himself. He took after his mother being idealistic, imaginative and artistic wanting to be the President one day. He was a classical pianist, and played in the orchestra in middle school and high school. He was bullied when younger but learned to flaunt his wealth to make superficial friends and create opportunities with women. He left orchestra, and managed to get an academic scholarship. He attended classes at New York University, and majored in political science. During college he had a fallout with his father and was cut off. He was heavily involved in campus, and got a fast food job but quickly quit. He ended up getting a job as a cars salesman and made good money until he had a fallout for his boss when another employee was promoted to assistant manager. He met and dated a woman of a prominent actor named Emily, and they had a good relationship as he used her for money. He ended up using his musical abilities to make money doing gigs, and eventually his father noted his resourcefulness and supported him again. Upon graduation he got a job working for his father's technology and entertainment firm rising up in the ranks but his brother Thomas was head in command with promises to take over after his retirement. Lex has been saving money for his own projects, and using Emily's connections made lots of money doing compositions for major movies to get his own money away from his family. Still he longs for more then just music money or even his father's firm, being a multi millionaire at the age of 28 isn't enough even if half of his money is own he still has his sites set on politics to be a ruler.