[center][h1][color=cyan][i][b]Luca Stormgrim[/b][/i][/color][/h1][i][sub]Interacting with: ...[/sub][/i][img]http://i.imgur.com/0tVmfbe.png[/img][/center] Luca stood to the side and watched silently as magi and non-magi were gathered. Did Markovic want some sort of bloody display? A gladiator game of sorts... to watch the magic wielders die in front of him? It wasn't impossible. He knew the man loathed the magi... just like most of the Empire did. He looked around. The room wasn't fit for something like that so perhaps he was mistaken... He turned his blue eyes towards his fellow non-magi. They all seemed as clueless as he was to why they were summoned. There was no use asking them what this ruse was. His blue eyes sought out the two that was different from the rest. He looked at the white cat, chained and muzzled. Then at the female human with white hair and blue eyes much like his own. [color=cyan][i]They're not so different from us,[/i][/color] he found himself thinking before all thoughts were put on hold by the Ascended Templar's voice. [color=cyan][i]So that's it. Best soldiers, best mercenaries and the most accomplished Magi. He should have said that we are all people of no consequence. Dispensable.[/i][/color] Luca would have turned and walked away, a silent refusal to undertake the mission. But a guard took a hold of his arm and injected the explosive device there. He didn't pull his arm away, he didn't flinch. He merely looked at the guard until he backed away from the weight of his stare. [color=green]"They work the same as our phylacteries only that those that have it in their blood are "attached" to each other. If one of them dies, all die. If one decides to abandon the others, guess what ? All die. It's just a prototype for now but soon it will be made available to all Magi. It will revolutionize our Magi containment facilities. At first it will start with a headache and then it will evolve into a searing pain. What comes after is what I like the most...their hearts explode."[/color] [color=cyan][i]Sending us into the unknown and making us as test animals...[/i][/color] Luca looked over to the two magi. He saw the guard's surprised face when the white cat spoke. If it weren't for the indignation he felt, he would have found it thoroughly amusing. Why assume someone to be mute when they only choose not to speak? He turned his attention back to Markovic. [color=cyan]"There is no use asking us this question. Your devices made it clear that we are to follow commands even if we refuse to,"[/color] he stated the obvious and then fell back to silence.