[@Vas Khaleen] [@Vas Khaleen] [@Silmaril] Theorcs blow did not connect as one of the dwarves intercepted the blow. Knocking the knife aside with a shield and crushing the vile creature's head in with a mighty blow from his warhammer. Giving no time for thanks to be offered the dwarves of the caravan thundered after the retreating orcs. Wanting to vanquish the foe of their race for good. If there was one creature that could bring all races to a quick agreeent, it was orcs and Sauron's vile creations. For the dark shadow of Mordor was a blight uppn the land and everyone well knew the shadow was netter faced together than alone. The weepong mother helped Ireth to her feet plying the young woman with many tokens of gratitudes. Her child clinging to her and bawling. Leading the young woman off to the side and the embers of a near dead fore, she left here there to pull dead from the carnage. Another woman just as dressed and in fair enough likeness to kin, perhaps sister, to the mother she had helped began to see to her wounds and forcing many a luke warmed brew into Ireth's hands tp be drunk. Darcyn sputtered and cursed fouly but he had stopped brandishing his sword about. Turning about he stormed towards the came spatting in the Harad woman's direction. "Flithy heathen wench." No doubt he would nurse his wounded ego until he came about to a way pf thinking he was in the clear and the elf was all to blame. Though perhaps it would be the woman or the dwarves. Or Giles Wigby the master of thr caravan himself. Yes, Darcyn was a man of stout resolve that he was what the world was about. As Agarwaen turned about he would see a faint trail left on the puddled and musdied ground. Swiftly heading to the road. For all the young elf was young, she stood roughly up to his chest. If not a tad shorter. But with the familiar cloak and her voice. He would not have been admist in linking it to a young lad who was with the caravan. Lathranien well knew these things and was truely hurryong for the road so she could perhaps escape the elf's notice.