[center][img] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Mass_Effect_logo.png [/img] [H3][B]U N D E R W O R L D[/B][/H3] [hr][hr] [I]Just one year ago, Commander Shepard did what many said was impossible. He beat the Reapers. Using the ancient Prothean superweapon, the Crucible, and with the help of confederation of alien races, Shepard destroyed the race of synthetic organic machines. The cost was high though, and no one managed to emerge unscathed from the conflict. Still, the war was over. The hard part was over. Or so they thought. While a fragile peace holds for the moment, the new balance of power between races has yet to settle, and without a common foe to unite them many are now waiting for an excuse to turn against each other once more, to gain recompense for past slights, or to seize a more influential position. The galaxy holds it’s breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Unbeknownst to them all enemies both new and familiar begin to stir, eager to take advantage of the chaos of the post-war period to turn the situation to their advantage. The Council realizes drastic measures are called for if the peace is to be maintained, and so a crew of Spectres and their allies are called in to intervene. They won the war. Now it’s time to win the peace.[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Mass Effect: Underworld will be a RP run by myself and [@MrDidact]. A continuation of the original Mass Effect’s story – though one with a slightly revised ending and canon – players will create characters who are recruited by Spectre agents to maintain the new, tenuous peace that has fallen over the galaxy in the wake of the Reaper’s assault. It’ll be no easy task though, as those who threaten the races of the Milky Way do so from the shadows, and to pull them into the light our heroes must step into the darkness themselves. The journey will take us across the galaxy, visiting all the familiar locales that you’ve come to love over the course of Mass Effect series. From the war-scarred earth, to the depths of the Terminus systems, from the grimy slums of Omega, to the corrupt world of Illium, and even some places that have only been hinted at so far, the mission will have us treading to the very boundaries of known space. I'd like to leave character creation as open as reasonably possible. You want to create a biotic Salarian assassin? Go for it. A Krogan engineer with a sunny disposition and a fear of heights? Have at it. My only request is that your character makes sense within the general confines of the ME universe, and that there is an actual reason for them to be a part of this Spectre led task force. While the RP won’t be a sandbox style, my GM-ing style and preference does allow for a scope of player independence. While I don't mind having to hold the hands of a group of passive Peters, and that I do have an overarching story line in mind, I would like to see any potential players volunteer up their own ideas for side and sub-plots. This is going to be your world as well as mine, so take the reins people! So, who’s interested? Who has questions? [hr][hr][center][h3][b][u]F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S[/u][/b][/h3][/center] [hr][hr] [I][b]Is this RP set in the Mass Effect universe?[/b][/i] - Yes, though it is based after the events of the Reaper war, using a canon devised by myself and Mr Didact. [b][I]Do I need an in-depth knowledge of the ME universe to join?[/i][/b] - No. There's plenty nerds here who can help you with any gaps in your knowledge. [b][i]Can I make OC's?[/i][/b] - Yes. [b][i]Can I use a canon character?[/i][/b] – No, though they can feature in your OC’s backstory. [b][i]How many characters can I make?[/i][/b] - One to begin with. Once you have established your primary character you may apply for a second, though acceptance will be dependent on whether I think you can handle more. [b][i]Is there a posting order in play?[/i][/b] - No, though leave a couple of posts in between each of your own. [b][i]Do you have an offsite chat feature?[/i][/b] - Yes. If you're accepted I'll forward you the details. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][u]G A M E C A N O N[/u][/b][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [Hider=Ending to Mass Effect 3] [list][*]Reapers were destroyed through use of the Crucible. However with the help of the Leviathan, the Crucible construction teams were able to key the machine to the Reaper’s unique bio-synthetic sequences, and so when it was activated it only affected the Reapers. Any other AI’s were left unharmed. [*]Shepard lived through his ordeals. [*]Damage to the Relays was minimal, and the Council prioritised their repairs to cause as little hindrance to Galactic travel as possible. However, some reconstruction work is still ongoing, with several secondary Relays still offline. [*]The Citadel is still located in Earths orbit. While some feel that this gives the Systems Alliance an unprecedented amount of influence, the Council feel that returning the Citadel to its usual location isn’t a priority at this juncture. [/list][/hider] [hider=Races and Organisations of the Galaxy] [list][*][b][u]The Systems Alliance[/u][/b] - After the Reaper Wars, the Earth was heavily devastated. Just over a billion souls perished; lost to either processing, battle, famine, or disease. Of all the hundreds of sovereign governments, only a handful of supernations such as the United North American States and the European Union survived in any meaningful form while the clear majority of Earth's nation-states crumbled entirely and their territories fell into lawlessness. The Systems Alliance, led by Admiral Hackett, declared martial law and brought order to the chaos by providing shelter, food, and medicine while slowly rebuilding Earth's cities and infrastructure. Many human colonies across the galaxy were similarly devastated, and the Alliance's presence is felt everywhere as the colonies begin to recover from the damage of the Reaper War. The Alliance's territory expanded greatly because of the war, as many independent Terminus colonies collapsed and were subsequently annexed to facilitate reconstruction. Ambassador Dominic Osoba soon replaced Donnel Udina as humanity's representative on the Citadel Council, and has nominal control of governance of the Alliance, but most agree that the real political power is Admiral Steven Hackett. This political reality coupled with martial law has created a widespread fear that the Alliance will renege on its promise to rebuild Parliament and re-establish civilian control; though most citizens appreciate the sacrifices the Alliance made in the war and its efforts to keep humanity safe. The Alliance's fleets suffered heavy losses in the Reaper War and pirate and raider attacks on weak colonies are common. On Earth, most are still homeless and countless criminal gangs have arisen to prey on innocent civilians as others starve or sicken. This has motivated a massive round of conscription to rebuild the Alliance's ranks, as well as the fast production of new warships to reinforce the Alliance's strength. Hardened by war, and with huge advancements in technology as a result of salvage from Reaper and Cerberus tech, the Alliance Military is now one of the most powerful forces in the Post-Reaper galaxy. [*][b][u]The Turian Hierarchy[/u][/b] - As on Earth, Palevan was greatly devastated by the Reaper War, with similar damage and casualties. Unlike Earth however, Palevan's defences never truly fell to Reaper attack; as the Turian military and civilian militias ceaselessly fought the invaders until the war ended. While casualties were staggering, the Turians were unbowed and unbroken. The Miracle of Palevan, the famed operation that saw the Turians and Krogan begin to turn the tide against the Reapers, as well as the Reaper's focus on Earth in the later stages of the war, resulted in less destruction towards the end of the war and the quicker rebuilding of the planet as the Turians efficiently organized repairs. Unlike Earth, the Turians have experienced far less crime due to their regimented and organized society, and the government is experiencing relatively little dissent under the oversight of Primarch Victus. Many of the Seperatists in outlying colonies have laid down their arms and fully integrated back into the Hierarchy, save for one extremist group called the Venatori, who seek to secede their star cluster entirely. The Turians have retained the high mobilization of the Reaper War to maintain order both on their own colonies and those of the Vol Protectorate and other client races, who are benefiting greatly from the Hierarchy's leadership. Their formerly cool diplomatic relations with the Alliance have significantly improved, largely due to their alliance during the Reaper War, and the two species are now considered strong allies. As for the Krogan, their millennia long feud has not disappeared, but the Turian Hierarchy and Clan Urdnot have officially begun diplomatic relations. [*][b][u]The Asari Republic[/u][/b] - Thessia fell to Reaper invasion in the later stages of the war, but thanks to the efforts of its valiant commando militias and justiciars; as well as the deployment of the Crucible, the Asari homeworld managed to avoid destruction akin to that seen on Earth and Palevan, and the government is confident that reconstruction efforts will be completed much faster than on other worlds. Across the Asari colonies the situation is much the same as Asari maidens return from their travels to aid in the recovery of their homes, guided by the small number of matriarchs who survived the war. Far more damaging to the Asari was the revelation of the Prothean Beacon on Thessia. Though the information has not been made public, the Turian and Human governments have demanded the relocation of the beacon to the Citadel and the appropriation of surplus Asari funds to aid in reconstruction of non-Asari holdings. The Asari's considerable political influence has soured greatly and many common people are bitter towards the republic for its late contributions to the war effort. Once revered by the galaxy, the Asari matriarchs struggle to repair the reputation of their republic. [*][b][u]The Salarian Union[/u][/b] - Out of all the Council races, the Salarians are likely the most fortunate. Salarian space was relatively ignored by the Reapers and Sur'Kesh itself never suffered invasion. Compared to the other races, the Salarian military contribution was minimal outside of STG strike teams and a token fleet. As such, the Salarian military escaped the war practically unscathed and no major Salarian colonies suffered extensive damage. With tech salvaged from the Reapers and Cerberus, the Salarians have begun researching all manner of groundbreaking technologies. However the revelation of classified and illegal experimentation as well as the Salarian's attempted sabotage of the Genophage cure have greatly damaged relations with the Turian, the Human, and the Krogan governments. And most citizens of the galaxy harbor resentment toward the Salarian Union for effectively sitting out the war. Though many Krogan appreciate the heroic efforts of Mordin Solus and all who fought in the war respect the sacrifices of the STG forces who fought beside them. The Salarian dalatrasses have now found a close ally in the Asari Republic. As always the Union schemes and plots, and one can only guess their designs on the future. [*][b][u]The Krogan Clans[/u][/b] - Before the Reaper Wars, the Krogan seemed to be on an inevitable course to extinction. Paradoxically, the most destructive war in Citadel history was a massive boon to the race. Through incredible sacrifice, the Genophage was cured and the Krogan once again had hope for the future. Thousands of wandering Krogan returned home to Tuchunka and the vast majority of the clans united under the leadership of Clan Urdnot. For their considerable contributions to the war effort, the Krogan have enjoyed massive acclaim and respect from the other races. And unlike many other races, the Krogan homeworld escaped the war without any considerable damage, as it was largely a wasteland to begin with. With assistance from the Council races, Tuchunka is being rebuilt and the planet is beginning to recover from millennia of warfare. Urdnot Wrex and Urdnot Bakara have instituted a regimented breeding program to ensure that the Krogan population does not exceed the planet's capacity and to avoid the conditions for another war. Despite the liberal leadership of Clan Urdnot, and re-instituted diplomatic relations with the Krogan; the recovering Krogan population with their horde of shock troopers and kakliosaur mounts have inspired fear in many quarters of the galaxy of a Second Krogan Rebellion. The Krogan may be saviors, but to others they remain bogeymen. [*][b][u]The Quarians and Geth[/u][/b] - No longer do the Quarians wander the galaxy adrift and homeless. No longer are the Geth isolated from organics. Together, on Rannoch, creator and created build a home. Though their war was destructive, the Geth and Quarian’s finally made peace. Under the stewardship of the Geth, Rannoch developed peacefully and for brief times at least, the Quarians could unmask and bask in the natural beauty of their homeworld. With Quarian know-how and Geth assistance, development was efficient and careful; and the first colonies are being erected on Rannoch. Though their immune systems are still incredibly weak, Geth reprogramming of environmental suits has helped immeasurably and many predict that the next generation of Quarians will be able to travel the galaxy unmasked. Culturally, the Quarians have not changed much and retain the same social traditions and governance. Many young Pilgrims now wander the galaxy to aid their wartime allies in reconstruction and act as ambassadors between the races. The Geth are now true AI, no longer needing consensus to achieve intelligence; though the majority still prefer sharing information and input. Their peace is tenuous, as centuries of hatred is hard to ignore, but relations between the two races is improving by the day. To the galaxy at large, many no longer despise the Geth and Quarians, though others have developed a fear of the two increasingly powerful races. Many Quarian flotilla ships have been upgraded with Geth technology into true warships, and the Geth remain as innovative and deadly as ever. For better or worse, the two races of Rannoch are a powerhouse. [*][u][b]The Collectors[/b][/u] - Without the guiding influence of the Reapers, the surviving Collectors were initially left aimless and confused. The once completely subservient race was now left with no one to be subservient to. However, despite the hypothesis of several of the Galaxies most renowned biologists, the Collectors didn’t suddenly terminate, or stand in place and slowly starve to death. Instead they slowly started to display signs of limited autonomy, boarding their ships and eventually retreating from Citadel space. No one has been able to verify just where they have gone, though there have been scattered reports that the Collectors have been sighted at Ilos. At the moment, the Council just doesn’t have the manpower to confirm these reports. [*][u][b]The Reapers[/b][/u] – Completely destroyed by the firing of the Crucible. Some say there has been sightings of Reaper ships on the edges of known space, but these remain unsubstantiated rumours. [/list][/hider] [Hider=Notable Personages of the Galaxy] [list][*][u][b]Commander Shepard[/b][/u] – Shepard survived his ordeals during the Reaper war, and came out the other side stronger. He spent the initial days after the victory recovering from the wounds he suffered, but was quickly back on the field, serving as a beacon of hope for all those attempting to rebuild. He has recently gone AWOL with his ship, his pilot, and key members of his crew, including EDI, Steve Cortez, and Specialist Traynor. The Batarian government still wishes to see him see justice for destroying the Bahak system, and claim his mysterious disappearance is a merely a convenient ploy by the Council to help him worm his way out of paying his dues. Others say his mission is far more important, as he is preparing for a threat even older than the Reapers. [*][u][b]Kaiden Alenko[/b][/u] - After the Reaper War, Major Kaidan Alenko finally assumed command of his own unit. Major Alenko took command of the SSV Ain Jalut, an advanced Normandy-class frigate, as well as the First Special Operations Biotic Company. Kaidan reports personally to Admiral Hackett and has become one of his most trusted subordinates, with his company quickly becoming one of the Alliance's most valuable special forces unit. As a Spectre, Kaidan and his unit also undergo missions on behalf of the Citadel Council and have become an incredibly valued asset, rivalling Shepard's operational effectiveness. As if often the case, Kaidan began amassing considerable personal wealth due to salvage and trade opportunities during his Spectre activities. Consequently, Kaidan created a scholarship that aimed to assist biotic children from needy families in entering the Ascension Project. Kaidan is often a guest instructor at the Academy and has become the poster boy for the biotic equal rights movement on Earth. [*][b][u]Garrus Vakarian[/u][/b] -Though the Reaper's strength was broken, Garrus' job has not finished. Directionless husks and Collectors still plague the galaxy, indoctrinated organics wander aimlessly; and rumors of lone Reapers abound. Under directive of Primarch Victus, Executor Garrus' anti-Reaper task force was given the objective of pacifying all remaining Reaper-affiliated threats, as well as salvaging Reaper technology, and securing indoctrinated citizens for treatment. Garrus, who was never comfortable without crisis, took to the task and performs it admirably. He commands intense respect from the military and is considered one the Hierarchy's top liaison with the System's Alliance. Besides stamping out the last vestiges of the Reapers, Garrus also makes time to oversee reconstruction efforts on his homeworld. His task force is made up of the cream of the turian military crop with a wide cross section of special forces operators and specialists from several famed units such as Blackwatch, the hastatim, the Cabals, and the 26th Armiger Legion. At the moment, Garrus is investigating rumors of indoctrination on Tuchunka. [*][b]Tali’Zorah Vas Normandy[u][/u][/b] - After the reunification of Quarians and the Geth, and the defeat of the Reaper menace, Tali'Zorah returned to her new home. As a member of the Admiralty Board, Tali'Zorah wields tremendous influence and has become the diplomatic face of the people of Rannoch. Due to her budding friendship with the Geth unit known as Legion, Tali was the natural choice to help bridge the gap between the creators and their creations. She built her own home on Rannoch, a quiet homestead near where the momentous peace had been achieved. However she was not done with the wider galaxy. Tali was given the command of the Diplomacy Fleet, a flotilla of both warships and civilian vessels with Quarian and Geth crews that would travel across the war-ravaged galaxy and offer aid to all those they could whether with arms, supplies, or repairs. The fleet was Tali's suggestion and is designed to demonstrate the value of the Rannochian races in galactic society. Currently, the Fleet is moving through the Attican Traverse; a region of space heavily damaged by the Reapers. [*][b][u]Urdnot Wrex[/u][/b] - Because of his efforts to cure the Genophage, and his courageous leadership during the Reaper War, Urdnot Wrex enjoys the virtually undisputed leadership of the Krogan people. All of the other clans swore fealty to Wrex as the High Chieftain of Tuchunka. Once a mercenary with no future besides a bloody death, he has become a hero for his entire species. His mate Urdnot Bakara rules at his side, the diplomat and negotiator he could never be. Clan Urdnot has resettled in the City of the Ancients, the site where Kalros battled a Reaper Destroyer and where the Genophage was cured. Under his stewardship, the seeds of industry and agriculture are sprouting on his once barren planet. It is daily battle to keep rivalries and grudges from flaring into war while negotiating the krogan's place in the wider galaxy with the Council, but Wrex is equal to the task. He has hung up his gun belt for the time being and focuses on the equally deadly and no less treacherous battlefield that is politics. [*][b][u]Urdnot Grunt[/u][/b] - Grunt's plate has fully grown in and his reputation among the Krogan is similarly impressive. He is second in fame and prestige only to Wrex and his Arlakh Company has become one of the most feared and respected bands among all of the military; attracting the best and brightest from all the clans. Physically no Krogan short of a Warlord or Battlemaster is his superior, and his tactical and strategic talent have made him one of the Krogan's most brilliant military leaders. Grunt is highly sought after by females, and having a successful breeding request with the young Krogan is considered a high honor. He was given his own kakliosaur, a strong and ferocious mount, as a gift from Wrex and is often deployed on the most dangerous missions to ensure the welfare of the Krogan race. [*][b][u]Jack[/u][/b] - Jack, once known as Subject Zero, officially now known as Jacqueline Nought, has finally found contentment and purpose. Under her tutelage, biotic students from Grissom Academy were molded into highly-trained and highly-effective biotic operatives who could undergo a number of offensive or combat support roles in the Alliance military. Those students trained by Jack are a valuable commodity and are highly sought after by unit leaders. With the massive influx of biotic youth following the Reaper War, Jack returned to Grissom Academy as it's premier biotic instructor, overseeing the training of the newest generation of biotic potentials. She finds herself busy training the majority of the time, but when a mission calls for the best of the best in biotic support, Jack is the first one the Alliance calls. [*][b][u]Miranda Lawson[/u][/b] - After Cerberus' destruction and the end of the Reaper War, Miranda found a new calling working with the Alliance. She holds no official rank or title, but wields considerable influence due to her inheritance of an intragalactic conglomerate and her acquisition of Cerberus' network of contacts and businesses. She answers to none in the chain of command but has a close working relationship with Admiral Hackett himself. Many other ex-Cerberus agents and operatives work under Miranda in a reconstituted and re-purposed Lazarus Cell. Officially they are consultants for the Alliance, unofficially they perform various black operations and secret projects in cooperation with the government for the overarching goal of ensuring Humanity's survival; though they are much more friendly to alien races than Cerberus had been and much less treacherous. Miranda also uses her father's corporate resources to fund numerous humanitarian projects across the galaxy, especially reconstruction efforts on colonies ravaged in the war. Miranda maintains an office in London. [*][b][u]Jacob Taylor[/u][/b] - Jacob's daughter was born and already there is another child on the way. While his wife Dr. Brynn has gone to work for the Alliance as a top researcher, Jacob has returned to the military. He has not accepted an official rank but he has joined his colleague Miranda Lawson and often undertakes missions under her direction for the Alliance. In other occasions, Jacob is called to lead a crew of Alliance servicemen with checkered pasts as a Corsair. Their ship is often sent on missions into the Attican Traverse or Skyllian Verge, aiding colonies with humanitarian supplies and fending off pirate or slaver attacks, with authority to act independently and not always legally. In between these missions, Jacob returns to Earth; specifically, Rio, where he has settled his growing family. [*][b][u]James Vega[/u][/b] – James has finished his N7 training, and thanks to the bravery and fortitude he showed through the Reaper wars, he has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He is currently overseeing Systems Alliance interests on earth. [*][b][u]Liara T’Soni[/u][/b] – Liara has been spreading her resources, helping to rebuild Thessia, reinstitute the Shadow Broker network, catalogue Reaper crash sites, and record all the events she has witnessed for posterity. She has been working like a woman possessed, and those who know her well would say her new work ethic is akin to an obsession, but in this worn torn Galaxy no one has the time to take it easy, least of all someone in Liara’s position. [/list][/hider] [hider=Miscellaneous Events and Information] [list][*]Shepard was male. [*]Shepard destroyed the Alpha relay, and by extension the Bahak system, personally.[/list][/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=rules] [list] [*] All forum rules apply. [*] Please read one anothers posts. We all take the time to write them, the least you can do is read the damn things. [*] No godmodding, meta-gaming, bunnying [*] I swear. If you're offended by that then this might not be the place for you. [*] Romance is welcome, but keep it PG-13 [*] Keep it civil in the OOC. If things get heated take it to the PM's. If you must insist on arguing in the OOC, then it must be done through the medium of a [i]Rap Battle.[/i] If you're man enough to argue, you're man enough to rap. [*] One IC post a week MINIMUM. If you can't manage that please let me know ahead of times and we can make arrangements. [*] If I or MrDidact don't hear from you through either PM's, IC, or the OOC within a two week period then you're out. [*] Have fun, otherwise what's the point? If you're not having fun let me know, and I'll see if I can help. [/list] [/hider] [CENTER][h3][b][u]C H A R A C T E R S H E E T T E M P L A T E[/u][/b][/h3][/CENTER] [pre] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [indent]Your character's given name. Any nicknames or Alias’s also go here.[/indent] [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] [indent]Your character’s race.[/indent] [b][u]Class:[/u][/b] [indent]Your character’s class.[/indent] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [indent]Your character’s age[/indent] [b][u]Sex:[/u][/b] [indent]Your character’s gender[/indent] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [indent]A short written description of your character’s appearance. You may also use a picture, though will still require such things as height, rough weight, and visible markings or tattoos, to be written down.[/indent] [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] [indent]Your character’s personal history. Aim for a minimum of three paragraphs here, touching on all key points of your character’s past. [/indent] [b][u]Psyche Profile:[/u][/b] [indent]What makes your character tick? What makes them happy? What makes them angry? Why do they do the things they do? [/indent] [b][u]Specialty:[/u][/b] [indent]What is your character good at. Are they an exceptional helmsman, a renowned geneticist, or a devil on the frontlines? We’ll be looking for a good mix here, so give it some thought. [/indent] [b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b] [indent]What special abilities and skills does your character possess. [/indent] [b][u]Equipment and Resources:[/u][/b] [indent]What gear does your character bring to the table.[/indent] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [indent]A short sample post so I can get a handle of your writing style. This could be one of your characters early missions, a showing of them enjoying some downtime, or a short of some of their exploits during the Reaper war.[/indent] [b][u]Notes[/u][/b] [indent]Any miscellaneous notes you may wish to add. Examples are character’s sexuality, any notable achievements, relationships with other characters or supporting casts.[/indent] [/pre] [CENTER][h3][b][u]C H A R A C T E R R E L A T I O N S H I P S H E E T T E M P L A T E[/u][/b][/h3][/CENTER] [pre] [hider=(Insert your character's name here) Relationship Sheet] [center][color=7B68EE][b]╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗[/b][/color][/center] [center][h2][color=9966CC]Insert your character's name[/color][/h2][/center] [center][color=7B68EE][b]╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝[/b][/color][/center] [center][b][i][color=9966CC]Character quote, if desired[/color][/i][/b][/center] [center]| [color=yellow]☀[/color] Friends | [color=FF00FF]✌[/color] Neutral | [color=brown]☕[/color] Who? | [color=gray]☠[/color] Not fond of | [color=00FA9A]⚜[/color] Acquaintances | [color=00BFFF]✸[/color] Best friends | [color=pink]❤[/color] Love interest | [color=red]❧[/color] Dating |[/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color] [color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color] [color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color] [color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color] [color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [center][color=#00FFFF][h3]|| Insert other character’s (I.E The character your character is thinking about) name here|| [/h3][/color] [color=FF00FF](copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] [i]Laconic quote about how your character feels about this character, if desired[/i][color=FF00FF] (copy and insert whichever symbol from above which applies to the relationship here I.E. ✌ for neutral)[/color] Longer explanation and exploration of feelings.[/center] [/hider] [COPY THE CODING UNTIL YOU HAVE REQUIRED NUMBER OF ENTRIES FOR CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS. RECOLOR COLORED TEXT AS ACCORDING TO YOUR WISHES. PLEASE DELETE THIS TEXT WHEN POSTING] [/pre] [CENTER][h3][b][u]C H A R A C T E R L O Y A L T Y M I S S I O N A P P L I C A T I O N T E M P L A T E[/u][/b][/h3][/CENTER] [pre] [hider=Loyalty Mission Proposal] [b][u]Character Name:[/u][/b] [indent]The name of your character. I know it, and you know it, but let’s just dot the I’s and cross the T’s.[/indent] [b][u]Mission Name:[/u][/b] [indent]The title of your character’s loyalty mission[/indent] [b][u]Mission Location and Setting:[/u][/b] [indent]Where you propose your loyalty mission takes place. Can be anywhere in the galaxy.[/indent] [b][u]Mission Synopsis:[/u][/b] [indent]A brief synopsis of your loyalty mission. This is the ‘barebones’ details that you’d be willing to share with all the players in the OOC.[/indent] [b][u]Mission Description:[/u][/b] [indent]This is the detailed bit that you share with the GM’s. We need to know exactly how you intended to plot out your loyalty mission so we can more easily fold it into the overarching narrative. There should be no surprises for us during the mission itself, so everything applicable must go here. What kicks off the mission? how does it unfold? How does it conclude? What kind of enemies will be encountered? How are the character affected by the outcome? Seriously, you can not put enough detail here. I will concede that no plot survive first contact with the players unaffected, and that there will be some unavoidable IC changes forced upon your plot, but the end result will still reflect what you write here.[/indent] [b][u]Desired Player count:[/u][/b] [indent]How many characters are there space for in your Loyalty Mission?[/indent] [b][u]Desired Characters:[/u][/b] [indent]Which characters would you like to see take part in your mission? Please try to include either Aegon or Anderson here, as at least one of them should still be present so we can still provide some kind of GM oversight (though this isn’t completely integral, and some exceptions can be made, however you will need to provide a good reason for why they aren’t present) Probably a good idea to get the agreement of the players who control the characters you want taking part in your mission before filling in this section. If you'd like to leave your mission open to anyone who'd like to join you, please enter 'N/A' here.[/indent] [/hider] [/pre]