Naisha was still silenced when Yuna started speaking so Lulu stopped the spell soon after for the girl to reply. The black mage while great mentor also found it hard to keep her younger apprentice in check. Naisha was just so... broken still. The mage knew that she was just taking out her frustrations of being rendered a cripple. Even if she accepted to live, it didn't mean it will be an easy transition. [color=6ecff6]"But, Lady Yuna, I was not threatening them! I'm going to do it! I will get them eve....**** * ** * * * ...."[/color] Naisha replied, but was quickly silenced by Lulu's magic again. It was truly a good thing that the girl was frail and light as a feather. If she was like how she was in the past, Lulu doubted she'd be able to hold her down like this. [color=a187be]"Yeah... something needs to be done about this."[/color] Lulu said with a sigh and looked at Yuni.[color=bc8dbf]" I can continue to teach her, but if she doesn't at least correct her behavior a little it's like giving a loaded gun to a child... She needs to come in terms with what's her situation now... I think Naisha will benefit if she talks with you every day for half an hour or so. Maybe even just staying with you for a little while a day. She needs to learn to control her emotions and you are very good at that and at also brining that into people..."[/color] Lulu added as Naisha was strugling throwing looks that clearly said - [i][color=6ecff6]"I'm fine!"[/color][/i].