[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5skeU8f.png[/img] [h3][color=CEF2FE]Reothadh[/color][/h3][/center] [color=CEF2FE]”Understood”[/color] Reothadh affirmed the orders he had been given in his cold robotic voice and began looking through both the guild and public chat. Locating a single enemy out of an army might seem daunting; but in DGO, if someone is special enough to be singled out, there usually will be a lot of noise about them. The good news, Burning Blossom had just been engaged by Golden Tiger East of his location. The bad news, it looked as though the Harleys had cut off Tiger from the main force, meaning he’d have to go through a good number of Harleys to get to her. There was one option, since the Rangers had broken through, the Harley’s would probably abandon defending the wall in favor of pushing out the invaders. If he were climb the wall and use that as a pathway it would avoid most of the enemies. It was a bit of a gamble but it was his best bet to getting to Tiger. Breaking from the main forces, Reothadh ascended a set of stairs next to the main gate to the top where he was met with the scimitar of a Harley warrior. Jumping back to avoid the attack he was quickly grappled by another of the Reds waiting behind him. “I got him! Now take him down!” As the grappler shouted the warrior stepped to the side revealing a ranger behind him with her rifle pointed right at Reothadh. [color=CEF2FE]”Quite a good trap you got here. Just one problem.”[/color] Reothadh smirked behind his helmet as he looked at the arms of the grappler and saw the blue tint they now had, [color=CEF2FE]”It’s nearly impossible to hold someone while taking damage.”[/color] Just as the Ranger pulled the trigger, Reothadh broke from the grapplers hold and swung his sword sending a Frost Wave at the two Harleys. The bullet froze mid air and dropped harmlessly to the ground while the wave continued and slammed into the Harleys doing substantial damage and giving them the same blue tint their companion now had. “Sh-sh-sh-sh-shit!” The ranger cursed through her chattering teeth. The last thing an agility based group like them needed was an enemy that deals cold damage. Taking advantage of their surprised shivering, Reothadh charged the Red warrior bashing him with the hilt of his sword and giving him a good shove right over the edge of the wall. Spinning around he brought his blade down on the ranger’s rifle knocking it away before she could fire another shot, then sliced up across her torso. Changing his grip to hold the sword backwards, he drove the blade through the ranger’s skull dealing more than enough damage to deplete her HP. There was a small bit of twitching from her before the ranger finally gave into death falling limp as she was replaced with EXP crystals. “You son of a bitch!” the last of the ambush group had shaken off the cold effects and now stood with vengeance in his eyes ready to face the tundra knight. Reothadh didn’t even take a stance, instead resting his sword on his shoulder and replying calmly. [color=CEF2FE]”you know he’s still alive right?”[/color] “W-what?” [color=CEF2FE]”Your friend I pushed off. No way that fall did fatal damage. Might be a little beat up, but he’s still kicking. At least, until me boys get to him. And with how many Rangers we got swarming this place, that won’t be very long at all.”[/color] Reothadh took a relaxed step closer to the Harley, [color=CEF2FE]”If it were me, I’d have jumped down right about now to help fend off the enemy until we could get support. But if you’d rather let him die and just settle for getting revenge, then that’s your choice.”[/color] The Harley’s eyes darted back and forth from Reothadh to where his friend had been knocked off. His fists clenched tighter in frustration turning his knuckles white until he growled, “Damn you.” and vaulted off the bridge to assist his friend below. Reothadh chuckled as his opponent left the fight, [color=CEF2FE]”Good lad.”[/color] He didn’t have far to go before Reothadh caught sight of Golden Tiger in a shouting match with Burning Blossom, and a number of the Harleys on her flank. Sliding down a convenient ladder, the Tundra Knight was able to take a stance behind Tiger before anyone had a chance to strike. [color=CEF2FE]”Mind if I help?”[/color] [@KoL]