[center][h1][color=598527]Ansgar Staudinger[/color][/h1][/center] Well, color him impressed if a large party hadn't gathered already! Seemed to have just about every area covered, from cavalry style folks, judging by the one woman's armor even if it was aerial in nature, to hardy close range fighters. And with the archer approaching, that covered range. The mage could work at a distance too, so it seemed they had their bases covered. A well rounded group could adapt better than a focused one, even if that focused one was more effective in one or two given situations. The one fellow, one of the ones from his homeland, just from the opposing nation, spoke at length about having faced the things before and seemed to be taking a leadership role of some sort or another. Fine by him, really, Ansgar thought. He wasn't one for leading anymore, hadn't been for years. The questions about supplies drug an idle shrug from the soldier, he wasn't one for keeping up with supplies. Scrounge up some food, get a drink down his throat, and he was set for the evening. But he made a remark on the matter though, as the group gathered up rather nicely. [color=598527]"Unless we need to pack copious amounts of drink, I'm not much good for scrounging supplies. Not in a city, at any rate."[/color] If they were back on Airi island, finding supplies would not be nearly as hard. Bandits stockpiled for some reason, when they routinely raided and wiped each other out when they weren't turning on anyone foreign to the island at all. That was his experience with the place, at any rate, being one such outsider that refused to bend the knee to the first bandits he stumbled across. He'd earned quite a few scars while on Airi, and he regretted none of them. But he did not readily pick out others that made it brazenly clear that they hailed from Airi, so he was not readily concerned. Besides, not like he had any valuables beyond his lance and the clothes on his back. The one kid who had introduced himself mentioned packing supplies and the idea about swimming, alongside a choice bit about getting back home. Seems quite a few of them were from the south, that might complicate things if any of them had been high up enough to hear reports about what happened during his flight. [color=598527]"Way I see it, home is where the heart is, sappy and poetic as it might be. And long as my heart isn't gouged out and mounted on a pike somewhere, that'll be a bit south of wherever I lay my head. Asides that, most folk call me Ans, short for Ansgar. Certainly a pleasure. Already got my worldly belongings on me, so I ain't in a rush."[/color] [@dabombjk][@Levias][@Bright_Ops][@AluminumDude][@PaulHaynek][@Chieri][@Suku][@Eisenhorn][@Lugia]