Sylvia licked her lips in anticipation. Each footstep was slow and methodical, gracefully sliding in and out of the long slit on either side of her long dress, to bring the succubus closer and closer to her new love. She would take them now, take them home or to the schoolgrounds, and devour them as only a demoness could. Nothing could stop her wildly fluttering heart now. Except the cashier. "Ma'am? The cinnamon buns are on sale. You can take a few extra." Sylvia merely nodded and flashed a smile before taking her extras and departing in the same glamorous fashion to which she had entered. The gust of wind as she opened the door to the bakery sent the long flaps pf her dress billowong behind her as the long climb up the hill began. The unfortunate part was that her lower half was on prominent display to those further down. Not that Sylvia cared, or did anything to prevent it. Her choice in undergarments today had been, essentially, a piece of pink string. You didn't get the attention you wanted without being a little bold. The problem was how she ate. Roll in hand, Sylvia panted as her obscenely long tongue went to town on the white frosting. The culinary confection might well be enough for her to thrive on alone! It was thick, coating the entire top half of the roll. Slurping it all up inch by inch she shuddered in ecstacy, holding her sides as she blushed. Swishing the delicious frosting to every inch of her mouth before swallowing, a digh of contentment escaping her red lips. [color=630460]"So hot~" [/color] The rest of the rolls were eaten much quicker. Less enthusiastically, but with a hunger that defied her relatively small frame.