[i]Jesus christ, am I ever going to find the way to my dorm?[/i] Ken thought to himself as he continued to aimlessly wander around the campus. Not only did Ken not enjoy asking for help, but he was also directionally challenged. It didn't help the the camps was gigantic. [i]If I can find my way out of a supermarket, than goddamnit I can find a way to the dorms on a massive campus.[/i] Ken thought to himself, determined. Granted, he'd been at it for an hour, but that only meant he'd find it soon. Deep in thought, he almost bumped into a girl exiting from the nearby building. Before he could even apologize, he noticed a bit of an oddity. The fact that this girl had an abnormally long tongue, and was seeming to get off on eating a donut very provacatively. His eyes widened, and he honestly couldn't tell if he found it hot or disturbing. Perhaps a mixture of both? Definitely a mixture of both. The girl was hot to be sure, but this was just strange. After a moment of shameless observance and contemplation, he spoke up. "Sorry for nearly bumping into you, I wasn't paying attention, do you know where the dorms are?" He asked, deciding that he might as well get something out of this whole awkward exchange. His face didn't betray the slightest bit of emotion or embarassment despite the scene. [@Zelosse]