[@ERode] I hope this character fits in your universe ^^ the bio may or may not be incredible long ;P (i kinda went overboard cause this world sounds so cool) [hider=Phoebe Norah] [center][img]https://puu.sh/u4RCH/f59392bed6.png[/img][/center] [color=a187be]Name:[/color] [indent]Phoebe Norah[/indent] [color=a187be]Age:[/color] [indent]19[/indent] [color=a187be]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=a187be]Race:[/color] [indent]Human[/indent] [color=a187be]Nation:[/color] [indent]Astopol[/indent] [color=a187be]Appearance:[/color] [center][img]https://puu.sh/u4QY3/d48192f934.png[/img][/center] [indent]Phoebe is of average height, standing at 5'4 or 1,65 metres. She has dark red hair which ends on her shoulders, her face is very feminine and she doesn’t look very muscular at all. Her eyes are the color grey with a turquoise tint and her skin is somewhat pale. She always manages to have a red nose and cheeks no matter how cold or embarrassed she is. Her attire is almost always the same, a white skirt which goes half way down her legs under which she wears black panties. Long black boots cover her feet while her upper body is covered by a black corset which is loosely tied. A long red scarf always sits around her neck to hide a white shirt which covers the rest of her body including arms. Nothing else stands out from her except for the dual dagger hilts at both sides of her hips.[/indent] [center][img]https://puu.sh/u4QXR/85f4a88b15.png[/img][/center] [color=a187be]Personality:[/color] [indent] Phoebe is a hot-headed girl who thinks with her heart. She takes pride in her Sword Arts and doesn’t skip an opportunity to brag about it. She tends to judge people at first sight and is very stubborn in her ways. Teasing people is more usual to her than a simple greeting and she always has something to say. Despite being more obnoxious then a non-stop crying baby, she is compassionate and caring. Her attitude is always bright and uplifting, only the direst of situations could bring her spirit down. It is in her nature to help people around her, even though she acts lazy most of the time. If an innocent person was in danger, she would not hesitate to jump in action, even if it would hurt her. This is not to mistake her lack of fear for death; in fact she is terrified of it. But that is precisely why she tries to save as many people as she can, to save them from that fate. She also doesn’t know how to swim, which gives her an automatic fear of large bodies of water. [/indent] [color=a187be] Biography:[/color] [indent][List][*]Phoebe is born. [*]father is KIA and Mother commits suicide. [*]rift-beasts attack orphanage, killing most of its inhabitants. [*]Phoebe is raised by a knight. [*]Phoebe's new home gets destroyed again by rift-beasts, knight dies. [*]Phoebe enlists in the army. [*]Phoebe's current guard post gets attacked by rift-beasts, phoebe's magical abilities awaken. [*]Phoebe is promoted. [*]Phoebe gains two talentium daggers. [*]Phoebe joins rift-beast hit squad[/list][/indent] [color=a187be]Abilities:[/color] [indent] Phoebe has the power to imbue her daggers with ice, hardening them and allowing them to freeze its victims. She can also freeze most things upon physical contact. Furthermore, she has an insane heat and cold resistance. That is what it looks like at least. Phoebe’s real talent is to completely control air pressure and waves in a small field around her. The ice is just a side effect of her completely getting rid of air friction which causes a rapid decrease in temperature. This means that she can accelerate air friction as well, which effectively creates fire out of thin air, which is less straining than magically creating fire. It could also be used to completely rip someone apart by bombarding them with extremely fast air waves although the field in which she can use it is minimal, no bigger than a basketball. Combined with simple ice and fire magic, this technique is quite effective against most foes. As sound waves are also a form of air friction, she can create a field around her, completely masking any sound she creates, as well as create visible distortions like you see above intense heat sources. She can also create noises and sonic booms through those air waves. All of the above is amplified by her Talentium infused daggers. All of her magic has a vermillion color to it.[/indent] [color=a187be]Important Items:[/color] [indent] Phoebe has two daggers called Azure and Vale. She wears a red scarf very often. Appearance of daggers.[/indent] [img]https://puu.sh/u4QXP/d5ba53af8c.jpg[/img] [/hider]