Claude had been nearly silent throughout the trip, his nose still buried in the hefty binder, turning his attention away just long enough to provide cursory introductions. When they finally reached Isla Nublar, the guide swung his rifle around to take point, eyes and ears open for any sign of movement. "Keep behind me, and leave anything with a strong smell behind." Was all he'd said as he started to search along with the Israeli. He wasn't exactly impressed with the threats the man had made, but he had no intention of offending him. After all, he had been paid a large sum, and he was a man of his word. So he searched silently, rifle held at the ready. People always expected obvious signs of animal attacks. Blood everywhere, unidentifiable scraps of meat, or severed limbs. The truth was animals rarely left much behind, and you would be lucky to find the plastic tip of a shoelace or a button from a shirt. He could only imagine dinosaurs would leave even less. Unless they stumbled on fresh kills or living people, chances were they'd never find any signs of the missing people. Which was why the broken watch on the ground gave him hope. "Here." He said loud enough for Tuvya to hear him. He reached down and picked uo the watch, turning it over in his hand. Silver rolex, sized for an adult. "We may have a survivor close by. If they're smart, they've held up on main street. Easily defensible, lots of heavy objects to use as weapons, and lots of noise to frighten the animals off." He stood then, pocketing the watch and gesturing for the others to follow. "There's no way they wouldn't notice the ferry, either. They'll probably try to get our attention."