[quote=@The Spectre] And I thought that my background was long. [@Dervish] [/quote] [hider=Things just kinda happened] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6192/ffc3e6ed7d721ee1d75acc06b78b0a2ad5f19311_hq.jpg[/img] [/hider] [quote=@BlackSam3091] [@BurningCold] I have no qualms about a Vorcha character. Have at it. [@MechonRaptor] Yeah, I had no idea that Quarian's were so popular before starting the Int-check for this RP. [/quote] I actually had a suspicion, given the number of people who said they were interested in quarians and from personal experiences that quarians tend to be extremely popular in the roleplay world for whatever reason. It's probably the accents. [quote=@MechonRaptor] I'm surprised there aren't any Asari xD I guess I'll either make an Asari or Turian, which we seem to be lacking. I'll save my Quarian for another time, I guess. [/quote] On the other hand, I think I've seen maybe 3-4 asari characters since I started back in 2012. [quote=@POOHEAD189] [@Dervish] And here I was proud to have finally found a cool Krogan name as I was at work. Here's hoping [@BlackSam3091] allows two Krogan or you'll probably get the spot. I'm not the [i]best[/i] with character sheets. :lol Also Ravanor's quite young! [/quote] The nice thing about krogan names is they're usually short, have an emphasis on hard vowels, and don't require an obscene amount of research like salarian names, which is a big reason why I haven't played salarians yet. Salarians have more name than Khaleesi has redundant titles.