[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ep3Qm4c.png[/img] [i]Season Information: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4167552]1[/url][/i][/center][hr][hr][center][h2]Premise[/h2] [i]This is a fantasy, action-adventure RP that is set in a fictional recreation of Ancient Egypt with a heavy focus on magic and other fantastical elements. The Egypt in this world is divided into territories and city-states ruled by the various Pharaohs. Pharaohs are typically powerful Magicians who either conquered a previous sovereignty or inherited it from the Pharaoh before them. Legend has it that, one day, a destined Pharaoh will become the En'jer, or God-King, and will unite all of Egypt, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity for all. This RP will focus on the story of an exiled Prince who has returned to his kingdom and is forced to take over the mantle of Pharaoh from his late father. But as someone with no experience in the matters of the royal court, it will take the help of his Viziers—royal advisers and the Pharaoh's personal guards—to mold him into a fine ruler. However, destiny may just hold a greater purpose for them all...[/i] [h2]Additional Information[/h2] [i]In this world, life essence exists as a continuous ocean that surrounds and inhabits all life. When a person dies, their soul, formally known as Akh, travel to the underworld, Duat, where they are judged by the god Anubis. If they pass Anubis' judgment, the Akh will return to the ocean of life. The ocean of life encompasses all forms of life: humans, animals, and plants, and its very existence is why new life can be born. One in every 100,000 births, a child may be born with a gift called the Eye of Horus that grants the power to see the flow of life in every aspect of the world. Since the ocean of life exists all around, there are those who have trained in the way of magic to be able to harness life essence and use it for various purpose. Magicians are a natural part of this world and they do not harm the ocean of life by using life essence to fuel their magical powers because after life essence is used in such a way, they are simply recycled back into the ocean once more. Magicians, unlike those with the Eye of Horus, cannot see the flow of life but can sense it and harness from it. Magicians attain the power to use magic by devoting themselves to one of the many gods; learning from the god's ancient scriptures. Very few are skilled enough to learn from multiple gods. Anyone can train in magic but to be proficient with magic—to become a Magician—takes either natural talent or long years of learning and training. There are those who never become Magicians but can somehow harness life essence to strengthen and enhance their natural abilities. Then there are those Magicians who have earned the favor of their respective god and gain the power to call upon their god to inhabit their body for a short period of time, resulting in an extremely powerful magic form called the Sacred State. Few have attained such a power although many have succeeded in attaining a Partial Sacred State. Egypt's first Pharaoh, Narmer, the man who united the people of Egypt, built pyramids all over the land and a city to accompany each one as a tribute to the gods who, in turn, grant him magic power and their favor, making him the first Magician and the first and only En'jer to this day. Upon his death, his numerous sons and daughters fought for control of Egypt and ended up dividing it once more. That is still the state of the world today, several millennia later. Now, even some of Egypt's neighbors are setting their sights on the divided country including the powerful empire of Rome. But, as it has been told by the gods themselves: in time, one Pharaoh will become the En'jer and reunite Egypt once more...[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [hider=Rules & Guidelines]1. All standard RPG site rules apply. 2. As the GM, I'll have final say in matters concerning this RP. 3. I require only the minimum standards of the Casual section when it comes to posting. Adding more well thought out details to a post is just icing on top and is appreciated but not a requirement. 4. Please do your best to be active. If you are having trouble posting, let me and/or others know. If you need to be inactive for a period of time, notify me beforehand whether through the OOC or PM. 5. If you are inactive for an extended period of time without warning, you will be dropped from the RP and your character you have will be converted to an NPC until I can remove them the IC. 6. Handle any personal disputes over PM. Leave stupid drama out of the OOC. 7. While there is no set restrictions to posting, the best way to go about this is I'll make a post and then everyone else post once and we can begin a new round of posts starting with me once more. Don't have your character go off on a tangent when the story is progressing. 8. You will post your character sheet in the "OOC" tab for my review and approval. After acceptance, please re-post your character sheet over to the "Characters" tab. 9. This is a story-focused RP with the events of the RP being guided along in the form of chapters. There will be story arcs as well. I'm open to suggestions when it comes to story arcs and what not, so if you think something might be worthwhile and fun to see in the story, let me know. 10. This RP will be focused on a Pharaoh and his Viziers and their journey in the world. I'll be playing the Pharaoh but that doesn't mean he'll have a greater focus than any other character. 11. I'm only accepting a very limited number of players due to the story-driven nature of the RP. Characters aren't accepted by first come, first serve rules. I'll accept the characters I find most creative/best fit for the RP. 12. You are allowed to create and control existing NPCs to fit your post. This does not require creating a character sheet needless to say. . . . . If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the RP, feel free to notify me either through the OOC or PM.[/hider] [hider=Database]1. Here is a list of Egyptian gods and goddesses you may choose for your character to align with and receive power from: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Egyptian_deities]List of Deities[/url]. Ra, Osiris, Isis, and Seth are restricted. 2. A lot of characters in this RP will be based on real Ancient Egyptians, at the least in name. If you find it difficult to come up with a name, use this list here: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ancient_Egyptians]List of Ancient Egyptians[/url]. The names Alexander, Ramses, and Cleopatra are restricted. 3. The Eye of Horus is available to one character. If you'd like for your character to have this power, let me know and I'll give you more details about it. One character can also originally be from Rome instead of Egypt. Let me know if you're interested in having a character like that. [center][i]*More information will be added as the story progresses*[/i][/center][/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][i]*Delete all explanations in parentheses*[/i] [code] [center][h1][b][i][Character's Full Name Here][/i][/b][/h1] [Character Image Here] [b]Height:[/b] [h3][b][i]Personal Information[/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] (Egyptian name that would fit the setting) [b]Alias:[/b] (Aliases or nicknames your character goes by) [b]Sex:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (10+) [b]Date of Birth:[/b] (No year) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Isn't required if you used an image earlier although you may want to describe their clothes if the image doesn't fit the setting) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] [center][h3][b][i]Combat Information[/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b]Magician:[/b] (Is your character a Magician? Yes or No) [b]Deity:[/b] (Which god or goddess does your character align with and draw their magic from? Only for Magicians and only one deity currently) [b]Equipment:[/b] (List any equipment your character generally has with them) [b]Ability:[/b] (General unique abilities, not specific techniques or magic spells) [b]Spells/Techniques:[/b] (Spells are for Magicians only) [center][h3][b][i]Parameters[/i][/b][/h3][/center] [i]*Parameters do not dictate if your character is stronger or weaker than another. Delete this explanation from your completed CS*[/i] [b]Essence:[/b] ? / 5 (Their ability to draw on life essence to use in combat) [b]Attunement:[/b] ? / 5 (How attuned they are to their respective deity; Magicians only) [b]Magic:[/b] ? / 5 (Their understanding and use of magic; Magicians only) [b]Strength:[/b] ? / 5 (Their physical strength) [b]Speed:[/b] ? / 5 (Their physical speed/agility) [b]Body:[/b] ? / 5 (How well do they take damage and how fast they recover from it) [b]Wisdom:[/b] ? / 5 (Their intellect/knowledge) [center][h3][b][i]Misc. Information[/i][/b][/h3][/center] *Optional; delete this part from your final CS if not used. Delete this explanation from your final CS if used. Put any extra info here that you wouldn't put in the other sections*[/i] [/code][/hider]