Okie-dokie, folks. Relations time. [quote]What's a Relations?[/quote] So glad you asked. Relations is a type of OOC post/activity that lays the ground work for in character/in game character relations. An example: [quote] [u]Cadet Captain Lorelei Relations[/u] [b]Master Chief Eso Rosk[/b] - Master Chief is equal parts hilarious, and terrifying, and inspiring. Lor has seen him remove someone from ATT simply by causing them to shatter a wrist--without touching them. And he was totally in the right to do it, thus the terrifying; he never seems to be wrong. His dry, razor edged, humor is typical salty old sailor/marine. More than anything, he's proof to Lorelei that just because she's lived longer, doesn't mean she knows more than him. He's experienced so much more than she has, and has so much to teach her.[/quote] Repeat for each member of the crew. Questions? Comments? Once we finish these Relations posts, we'll start the IC.