[center] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/70a89b8d17271877f637d2f597c4cb44/tumblr_nlxelgrjfg1reb6m5o4_250.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/56d9f1d88b02d0758175c87a777af2f2/tumblr_nlxelgrjfg1reb6m5o5_250.gif[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170202/731e61a91068ab50b96249ea99437173.png[/img] [hr][/center] Kira Griffin lay face-up on her bed, her breathing deep and even. There was a gentle snuffling of air through her nose, but gradually, as she rose from the nightmare and awareness grabbed hold of the consciousness, it became a wheezing and whining sound interspersed with violent trembling of her body. The tone of her breathing deepened, but took on a rasping, scraping, spluttering and ragged tortured noise; shallow and rapid, lips trembling with each outlet of air, the intake fluttering as it struggled to infiltrate her constricted throat and feed the heaving lungs and palpitating heart. With a dropped jaw, buggy eyes, and sweaty palms, Kira's hot, salty head popped up from the drenched pillow in a heart-pounding state of emergency. After a split second of massively intense panic, it suddenly dawned on her. [i]It was all just a dream.[/i] After a few more moments of deep breathing, she heard it; the deathly screech of the electronic alarm clock. She drearily came to as an arm, controlled by instinct reached out and found the snooze button. There was a sigh, a grunt, and a shuffling of blankets. Her eyes were wide open, and she was ever so reluctantly awake. Her mind was fuzzy, the last remnants of a terrifying nightmare being chased away by the realization that she was awake again. The sun peeked in her bedroom window, it's vibrant rays sending a glossy, gold sheen all around the room. Today was her first last day of high school, and although she was very excited to "get this shit over with," she wasn't all too ecstatic about having to wake up at the crack of butt every morning. After a few minutes of absently staring at the wooden bedroom floor, Kira finally stood up, yawning and stretching her arms high above her head. Her muscles ached, and her legs were stiff, but she'd somehow managed to make it all the way to the hall bathroom that she and her mother shared. She took a ten minute shower, brushed her teeth, applied her makeup, and got [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=216812776]dressed[/url]. She even took the time to fluff her hair; she'd done a big chop over the Summer, which now made fixing it in the mornings a little easier. By the time she'd finished her morning routine, it was a quarter til seven, and the pleasant smell of apple-wood smoked bacon filled the house. [color=FA8072]"Morning Ma,"[/color] Kira said as she made her way into the kitchen. Her mother just waved her hand as she stood over the stove, the bacon was sizzling and popping in the cast iron skillet. Usually her mother would be headed across town to her job, but because it was the first day of school, she'd decided to be a little late and cook her daughter some breakfast. [color=FA8072]"You didn't have to cook anything, you know I coulda' just grabbed somethin' at school."[/color] Her mother scoffed before placing five strips of bacon on a slice of bread. "I know my cooking isn't the best," she said with a slight smile, "but I'll be damned if this doesn't taste better than some grimy cafeteria food, now sit and eat." Kira did as she was told, and by the time she'd finished her breakfast, it was time for her to leave. Her mom kissed her goodbye and reminded her to take her house key before she left, and watched as Kira got on her bicycle and peddled away. The bike ride from Kira's house to the school would take about ten minutes, which would give her just enough time to chain her bike to the fence and stroll to her first class. The ride was easy, thanks to three long months of basketball conditioning, so by the time she pulled into the school parking lot, she hadn't even broken into a sweat. Having only attended Delbrook for the last month of the previous school year, Kira only knew a few people here and there, most of them being her teammates. However, after she'd secured her bike and walked through the parking lot and towards the school doors, she couldn't spot any of them. Instead of loitering in the parking lot, Kira decided to head to first period early. She wasn't at all surprised when she found that she was not the first to arrive. [color=FA8072]"Good morning,"[/color] she spoke kindly to the girl with her head in a book, before picking a random seat and laying her head down on the desk.