[@ERode] [s]Hope [s][she][/s] he is good.[/s] And revised. [hider=Alexis Weylin] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170215/8557f3bef4d37c05eb664336b7507c43.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Sakurazaki.Hajime.full.1442744.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=gray]"Would you like a knife at your throat or my fingers in your eyes? Oh, and would you like those with a side of lightning?"[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Name: Alexis "Alex" Weylin Age: 19 Gender: Female - refers to herself as a male Race: Human Nation: Illiserev Appearance: Alexis stands at a height of 5'8", while not a truly impressive height, it is around average for her age and sex. Growing up taught to be a male, she has cut her dark hair to a length suitable for a male's. She also has warm amber eyes which seems to gleam with a certain mischievousness at times. Her face would always hold a poker face, often emotionless whenever she isn't engaged in any form of direct conversation with anyone. Though when someone talks to her, a warm smile would appear on her face which is both comforting and soothing. As if her destiny was to become male, she was graced with only a flat chest. She has a slender frame that are all hardened through training so her appearance is very deceiving. Practically the only thing in her wardrobe is a butler outfit - a black, pocketed, long tail-coated vest, a grey vest in it and a collared shirt underneath that. A black tie would be present around her neck. She also wears black slacks and black formal shoes. To complete the look, she wears white dress gloves. Inside her vest's pocket is a silver pocket watch where the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/09/ae/c8/09aec841e5d4a54ff6b45688a1618874.png]Alurenzo's family symbol[/url] is embedded into it and a small chain is connected to it. Personality: Alexis looks like she has a very stoic personality. With the blank look on her face when not spoken to, that would usually lead people to think that way. However, she is actually a friendly person who would talk if talked to. Because of her training, she can't make much offhanded comments when listening in to a conversation, especially one between nobles. She just has to stay silent, listen but never speak it to anyone else, there but not making it known - such was her life so it seemed like it would be normal for her to be like that. She is a responsible person though and she steps up to prepare everything to make whatever it is to the liking of her masters. She makes mental notes on what people like and dislike so that she knows how to act or make for them when they need it. She learned from a young age to keep her emotions locked up tight... which does lead to problems like her not willing to admit if she's hurt or something. She keeps her problems to herself and expect herself to be able to solve it without anyone's help. No use having someone else worry about you right? She also puts others before herself meaning that even if she was heavily injured, she'd put up a smile and then direct the healer or doctor to another injured person. While this may seem like a selfless act, and it is, it can lead to her demise. For her, her life isn't worth anything. She lives for others. She has a case of motion sickness where when she's not the one driving, she becomes sick for the entirety of the ride. This is the reason why she drives the coaches when she's around, so that she will remain alert at all times. She is actually pretty scared of thunder but she loves lightning. Poor girl doesn't know whether to be scared or happy in a thunderstorm. Biography: [list] [*] Born female, much to the dismay of her family, they decided to teach her to become a male. She didn't seem to mind. [*] At the young age of six, she was trained to become a butler and had been placed under rigorous training as per team norm for males with magical powers. Alexis had to train extra hard to make the standards and not get suspected as a girl. Luckily, she managed to fit in quite well though is at the bottom of the barrel for the current generation. [*] Taken in by the Alurenzo family at the age of 13 and never suspected her of being female. Ordered to become the personal guard of the youngest girl [url=https://img.clipartfox.com/3380be369a301ca74279454e8895f326_anime-princess-princess-anime-clipart_236-442.jpeg]Zue[/url] who was at the same age as her. She was taken in because of her ability to manipulate the elements (which they thought was unique and a good catch, not knowing that Alex was a girl). She still continues training and were given particular days of the week away from the family to finish the training. [*] At the age of 14, her gender was accidentally revealed to Zue and she was sworn to secrecy. They grew closer ever since but had been warned about what their relationship can be - much to their amusement. [*] At the age of 17, she was tested for her compatibility for Talentium. They were pleasantly surprised to find out that she was compatible and her training was complete. She obtained the Talentium which is in the form of a necklace and one Talentium knife. [/list] [hr] Abilities: [list] [*] Close Quarter Combat - Being trained as a butler in the land of Illiserev, it is understandable that she is an expert in this art. Though she is most often seen without a weapon, she would sometimes take out a knife or two that she would usually imbue with magic. [*] Long ranged disarming - This is a must need for the butlers. She is armed with multiple throwing knives hidden within her person, which she uses to disarm a long ranged attacker when she cannot close the distance quick enough. These must be precise but can be avoided as throwing a knife isn't very fast. [*] Lightning Element - This is her chosen element. It's destructive capabilities was perfect for her. This, added with the Talentium, has become quite dangerous to enemies of hers. She usually uses it in tandem with her close quarter combat but she is able to use it for long-ranged attacks if she's aiming for damaging an opponent severely rather than simply disarming them. [/list] Sword Arts: [list] [*] Lightning Torment - The space around her would start to cackle with lightning and she would summon two large bolts of lightning and sends it towards the enemy. This is then followed up by an enchantment to her speed which she then uses to close the distance and deliver a fatal blow with her knife/knives. [*] Five Pillars of Light [used as a trap] - She would set up runes around the enemy. Once everything was in position, she would activate these runes and the pillars would close in one the person/s in the middle of the trap. These take time before it is complete so long term planning is needed so she rarely uses it. [*] Alazur's Might - Named after one of the male Lightning prodigies, the technique works like this. The user would surround themselves in lightning and practically [i]becomes[/i] lightning as well, allowing the user to travel at the speed of lightning, though considerably slower but still faster than any human on this planet, towards the enemy. Once the user in lightning form makes contact with the enemy (or any solid object), it will be covered with lightning and the momentum would be dispersed throughout the enemy and the user would turn back into a human to deliver a few more blows. This is usually offensive but has been used for a quick escape. Given how straining it is to convert one's body into an element and then revert it back to its original form is, a user can only use this a number of times before passing out. Alexis can use this around two to three times a day with long gaps of time in between. [*] Ten Hits - A simple unarmed combo that starts with a blow to the solar plexus that would render the enemy incapacitated for the moment and, if this hits, is followed by a series of punches and kicks and ends with a final blow by kneeing the enemy. While it is simple, it is effective in most close combat situations. Alexis adds the lightning element to it. [/list] [hr] Important Items: Silver pocketwatch, a tight bracelet gifted to her by Zue [i]Note: To avoid confusion, I will be using male pronouns for her in the IC.[/i] [b]History subject to change if anyone wants to be the master. If not, then I'll keep it that way.[/b] [/hider]