Rose Mary began following Emma. "I wouldn't know Miss Frost, he has a lot of patients. I have been to his office before when he dragged me there, I never paid attention to the location. Plus this place is one giant maze. I still get lost getting to most of my classes. I went a week sleeping outside because I couldn't find my room." She was lying, that was her first week she didn't feel comfortable inside. Emma made Rose Mary nervous and jealous. "Why don't you teach here Miss Frost? I would love to learn from you." Tatiana was about to go catch up on classes she missed but she became hungry, not the kind of hungry that food in a kitchen could satisfy. She went outside to hunt. She found a hint of a bear. She stalked it by the smell. She found it with cubs. She abandoned hunting the bear, she couldn't leave the cubs without a mother. She still needed to feed. She began searching yet again, and everytime she found her prey it was a mother. She cursed her luck. Her hunting had taken her pretty far from the school. She was about to turn back to the school when she heard the sounds of a woman running in a panic, Tatiana investigated. From the trees she could see a woman running and a man chasing her. She was clearly terrified of the man. Tatiana rushed the man knocking him off his feet. He pulled out a knife and tried to attack her. He was not trained her slashed wildly like a frightned animal. She grabbed his arm and broke his wrist forcing him to drop the knife. She then latched on to his kneck and began to drain him. Before Xavier found her she would have drained him dry and felt nothing bad, he was just food after all, like chicken. Now she drained just enough to satiate her hunger. She hogtied him with his shoelaces. She found the woman. "I stopped him. He is in need of a hospital. Have the police been notified?" The woman shook her head. "Wait by the man, he is immobolized and completely harmless now. I have to be going. Be careful." She began walking back to the school.