[@Raddum] Here's my thoughts: You're right about the WoB group, though arguably it does make sense that the villains would attack them in their current disorganized state, so it's more a matter of whether or not someone decides to. The reason I say 'decides to' is because I would imagine some of the more powerful villains can both teleport and are also aware of where the protagonists/antagonists are right now. I don't mind spoiling that Mateus, for example, is fully aware of what most people're up to, but you're also right about the bigger villains not taking action first because he doesn't actually want to directly move in yet. If you recall in Firion's first post, I implied someone was 'watching' him. I don't think I need to explain further. There's multiple reasons for why Mateus isn't directly going to move forward, and plans to work through 'pawns', but some of it includes feigning how powerful he actually is in order to keep Chaos distracted. There's a few other reasons too, and I will say that he won't pursue Firion directly unless he has to because he considers Firion the greatest threat to him. Not only is Firion far more powerful than he seems (due to being from the same universe as this Mateus, which has been explained in the CS, though Firion currently has lost a lot of his power and memories due to Mateus messing with everything), and also because Firion is the piece of the puzzle who could reveal certain truths about him. So Mateus' biggest priority is to eliminate Firion, but he won't do it directly if he can avoid it. I'm inclined to say that he'd have introduced the Hell Knights to Marche and explained that they'll be his subordinates, and I'm also thinking he'd probably give Marche command over more than one of them if Marche requested it or if Mateus deemed the strategy he has in mind making it appropriate. If Mateus happens to be the only villain who knows where everyone is, he'll probably keep it secret so as not to give the other villains too much information, and try to manipulate the board subtly. With regards to the Hell Knights, if you actually want to have access to controlling any of their actions (since Marche can control them), I'll say now that if they have any sort of personality they more or less don't show it at all. Though it's one of the few things I hadn't settled on, there's a good chance they don't speak either. That said, each of them has a specific fighting style and I might need to spoil certain things about them for you to be able to know how to write their fighting styles, so it's sort of your call with this.