[hider=Natala Chained ⛓] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Natala Chained [*][b]Age:[/b] 21 [*][b]Gender:[/b] Female [*][b]Race:[/b] Possessed Human [*][b]Nation:[/b] Iliserev [*][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/chain/chain_s.png[/img] She has a face that looks slightly younger than her age which is surprising given the hardships of her past. The top of her right ear has been clipped off to mark her as a slave and the left side of her face has been tattooed with a pattern of crisscrossed chains to mark her as an escapee. Natala is shorter than average thanks to the meager amounts of food she was supplied with as a child. [*][b]Personality:[/b] Quiet but arrogant and selfish. She had so little of her own in her past that anything that is now hers is guarded and precious. Natala feels uneasy in rooms with closed door and very much prefers that doors with locks remain open. Windowless rooms are the worst. The only thing that she is aggressive towards is the protection of herself and her freedom, something that she will easilly kill for. [*][b]Biography:[/b] [list] [*]Natala was born and raised as a slave. She had never known her parents or any other family and even her name is something she has since chosen for herself. If things had gone as they should she would have died a slave. When she was 14 she escaped captivity. It was only 2 days before she was recaptured. [*]When she was 16 she tried again, wiser and more determined, and fled into the glaciers of Iliserev in the dead of winter. She was pursued but tracking her was difficult across the windswept ice and snow. After three days she ran out of food. It was almost two weeks later when she came upon the [i]thing[/i]. [*]It was huge, barely human and speared through by stakes of iron, ice and stone. The armour that it once wore had long since turned to a rusted shell but regardless of the time passed the flesh beneath looked fresh, almost as if it were still alive. Fresh enough to look like food to a girl driven mad by hunger and exhaustion. [*]It was... invigorating and she felt hope for the first time since her initial escape attempt. She had the energy to make it to a major city, steal some money and blend in. After some days she began to feel odd feelings that she knew were not her own. That belonged to something inside her. [*]In the time since she has been wandering the world and simply living. The thing inside her is a more comforting prescience and they have come to a bit of an understanding. [/list] [*][b]Abilities:[/b] Mundane:[list] [*][b]Sword skill:[/b] Natala is modestly proficient with a blade, enough to defend herself and be more than a match for any random thug. [*][b]Master of mimicry:[/b] She can pick up things easilly through observation, learning even advanced skills by watching them a couple of times. Because this is mere mimicry she might not understand the underlying theory behind things. [/list] Magical:[list] [*][b]Wind Form:[/b] In dire circumstances she becomes the wind, untouchable. This is draining and consumes an amount of stamina. It is the act of changing that consumes stamina though she can only rest in her physical form. Her body can currently sustain a half dozen transformations in a day. It can be prevented by her being restrained by a foreign object, something she doesn't consider her own. [*][b]Cutting Wind:[/b] When she is in the direst of circumstances and has given up all hope the [i]Thing[/i] takes over. Natala becomes a paragon of rage and aggression, shifting rapidly between being solid and ethereal. The skill she shows with a blade in this state is not her own. This lasts until the threat is dealt with or she is restrained. [/list] [*][b]Important Items:[/b] Natala owns little but the clothes on her back and her sword, a Talentium blade that she has for no other reason than its durability. She is reluctant to own more as she is only just used to the idea that she owns herself. [*][b]Notes on her Possessor:[/b] Whatever now shares her body with her once possessed command of the abilities she now has before it was restrained some thousands of years ago by an unknown force. It can only communicate through vague feelings and has no command of language. The first feeling that it sent was one of glee. It had traded an eternity locked to a hillside for the chance to live a humans short but infinitely more interesting life. [/list] [/hider]