[center][h2][color=8d68ed]Jack Schreiber[/color][/h2][/center] [center] Location: Amalgum University Group: [@Broyeabro][@Alder][@Sho Minazuki][@floodtalon] GM: [@floodtalon] [hr][/center] [color=yellow][i]Within the passing few hours after the battle at the University main hall, Jack was able to find a Center and restore his Pokemon's fighting strength, as well as restock on potions and food. Satisfied, he continued on his way to the reserve once more...[/i][/color] Midday approach as the entrance to Silumin loomed over Jack, as he yawned while walking towards the edge of the university grounds. It seemed spending a night on route 9 didn't grant him the shut eye to get through the day as well as he had hoped. Though his body wasn't well rested, his spirit fought against it. He couldn't help feeling anxious over the battle he had against Team Arclight. Though it felt dangerous to cross them, it had only been Jack's second trainer battle and all it had done was drive an excitement through him. He needed to battle once again! He stopped as he finally reached the entrance to the reserve. There were people around, yet none that he could point out to be the professor. This worried Jack slightly.[color=8d68ed]"If Professor Jonathan was letting people come through,is it alright for me to just go through on my own?"[/color] he thought aloud to himself. Awkwardly placed, Jack stood in front of the entrance, a finger pressed aginst his bottom lip while his other hand fiddled with the cube in his pocket.