[@Raddum] About to head up the road for food, but figured I'd reply once more. I'm inclined to say that we can go under the assumption that Cecil and Freya are somewhat ahead of time compared to the other protagonists, which justifies them getting attacked immediately in my next post. The WoB group are behind the rest of them, as far as I'm concerned. They've barely done anything other than wake up and look around. The Mist Cave trio have had enough time to wander around the cavern and find each other. Basically, even if the villains all attacked the groups at the same time (which isn't likely unless the more powerful villains direct all forces present), they don't have to occur in the same/next post. Mateus would send Marche against Firion only if he was certain Marche won't reveal that he's present here. He'd like to kill off Firion as quickly and silently as possible, so Firion being in the presence of two other powerful fighters sort of works in the protagonists' favours. I'm thinking we should let IC development and conversation between the villains decide who they go after, apart from the Hell Dragoon that I already introduced being sent after Cecil and Freya (for a very specific reason). I suppose it's your call if Marche would want to particulate in that attack, or go after the WoB group or the Mist Cave trio. I can say now that Cecil being 'incomplete' right now, alongside another reason (something I won't spoil yet), means that Hell Dragoon is actually a match for them; in fact, this one warrior could probably overwhelm them depending on what sort of state Freya is in. We're in agreement that Marche has an advantage in the sense that they'd be reluctant to kill him, but yeah, defeat will start getting to him. Also, yeah, Mateus can and probably will teleport Marche out of a bad situation. When I said 'if they have any sort of personality', I meant this as a hypothetical in order to avoid spoilers. Since you've spoken about it, I'll confirm to you that they [i]are[/i] emotionless husks for the most part. Saying anything more than this might reveal more than you'd like to know, but most of my comments in the last post involving this were about whether or not you'd want to control them at all in your IC posts. If you do, I'll need to reveal certain things about whichever ones you're controlling.