[@Shoryu Magami] You are correct; I shouldn't assume too much. The most I can say is that either one of the Warriors of Cosmos could come out on top against Marche at this stage, mostly due to an experience difference. Marche does hit hard, but lacks a bit of technique compared to his opponents; Freya could really fuck him up since getting close to her is difficult in itself considering her polearms; Cecil will simply have to put his training to use and counter Marche for the most part; As exchanging blows with him isn't a good idea at all. This isn't to say that Marche can't or more like - won't - land hits. But if Cecil is smart he can come out on top. Freya and Cecil might need some recovery after this bout is over; But I'm fairly sure they'll come out on top in the end. We'll just have to wait and see, however.