[hider=Nailah] [center][h1][b][i][color=39b54a]Merchant Nailah[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OpLwXF8.jpg[/img][hider=as Inb][img]http://i.imgur.com/FZQy4Cj.jpg[/img][/hider][b][color=39b54a]Height:[/color][/b] 5'0" ([i]6'0"[/i]) [h3][b][i][color=39b54a]Personal Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=39b54a]Name:[/color][/b] Nailah [b][color=39b54a]Alias:[/color][/b] [i]Inb[/i] [b][color=39b54a]Sex:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=39b54a]Age:[/color][/b] 16 ([i]Appears 20-30[/i]) [b][color=39b54a]Date of Birth:[/color][/b] July 26 [b][color=39b54a]Appearance:[/color][/b] [indent]In her default state as Nailah, she stands at barely five feet tall with a petite figure and a childish face. Her appearance of having short-cropped brown hair, light peridot eyes, and olive skin makes her seem unassuming. Add that to the innocent and playful smile she almost always has on her lips, and no one would expect much from her. The only odd thing about her is her clothing. She does wear the traditional white dress worn by women, but prefers to top it with her robe and shawl, each a different shade of green. The only jewelry she wears is a golden ornament, bearing the mark of her deity, on her shawl.[/indent] [indent][i]As Inb, there are many notable changes in Nailah's appearance. She grows to stand at nearly six feet tall with a decidedly muscular and androgynous built. Her skin takes on a more greyish pallor, and her eyes become the bright orange of a roaring flame. Her attire also shifts to create an armour of leather and cloth that gives her better protection from damage while allowing swift movement.[/i][/indent] [b][color=39b54a]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent]Any soul that has been Nailah's customer will tell those who ask that it is not just the quality of the merchant's wares that had drawn them towards her mat. It would be the bright smile and the captivating words of the merchant in charge. She's younger than most other merchants around her which allows her to offer a fresh perspective and utilize her seemingly childish innocence to sweettalk prospective buyers into spending more than they had originally planned to. Her enthusiasm is infectious in its sincerity. Still, one must remember that above all, Nailah is an ambitious and selfish salesperson. Her business agenda takes precendence in her dealings, and she rarely enters situations where she cannot gain the upper hand or receive more than she can count in gold as recompense. In the trade industry, one such joke that flows among them is that they would even sell you their sister if they had one. It would not have been a joke for Nailah if push came to shove. Halt your thoughts. Understand that Nailah is not a bad person. She's simply very driven, and she has an eye for deals and shiny things. She's still a kid with a lot more to learn. Those on the bad end of her deals will just have to hope that as she grows older, her selfish streak will curb. Or that they can grow some form of immunity to that playful twinkle in her eyes, and keep their treasures in their pockets.[/indent] [b][color=39b54a]Biography:[/color][/b] [indent]Raad and Hapu were some of the few merchants that took their wares and ventured to foreign lands for trade, and they were one of the most successful at their careers. It was on a blisteringly hot summer day, many miles from their home in Thebes, that Hapu gave birth to their third-born child, later to be known as Nailah. Now, the tale of Nailah's life could be easily cut into two categories: before and after. "Before", Nailah lived a typical life as the child of semi-nomadic traders. In their donkey-driven carriage, Nailah travelled alongside her parents and her two older siblings. Their journeys to foreign lands allowed Nailah to interact with people of all sorts - from the highest of nobility to the lowest of sly pickpockets. Nailah, unlike her siblings, seemed more suited to the lifestyle and quickly grew accustomed to the merchant fare. Soon, she was selling her own batch of wares to people, charming them to offering an extra coin or bartering a few more bundles of wheat than normal. Sibling rivalry was not something that occured between the three of them, despite what some might think. Nailah's ability to help with their trade allowed her siblings to fluorish in their own rights. The eldest, Nensala, stayed in their home to become a scribe for the Pharaoh soon after Nailah first began taking the role of merchant. The second, Shui, was more reluctant to leave. It was only two years after first stating his intentions of soldier that he was finally convinced by his younger sister to pursue it. That left only Nailah and her parents to continue their venture, and that seemed more than enough. They didn't seem to want for anything - each of them quite happy in the roles they filled - and for that, Nailah was thankful. "After" first came in the form of a young girl from a foreign land merely months after Nailah turned 14. She was lovely, and young Nailah had been absolutely smitten. The want to offer something to the young lady was strong, and in a burst of inspiration, Nailhad had gathered what extra materials they had in their wagon and created a shawl the colour of the sun's blaze. It was a miracle as Nailah had expected her efforts to be in vain. There was a pull to the symbol of Ptah that she kept by her bedside, for she had devoted herself to his worship for as long as she could remember. It was, after all, the men and women that Ptah blessed that gave her family its business. To think that Ptah would look at her and give her this gift, one that she wasn't sure was new or had simply laid dormant and untouched inside her for years, was something Nailah had never once thought possible. Learning of her new ability, Nailah took leave from their nomadic trade and stayed with her siblings at their home to test what she could and couldn't do. It was yet another stroke of inspiration that hit her while watching Shui train with other soldiers that gave birth to Inb. It had been a painful and awkward process at first, but after many nights of perfecting the transformation, Inb became as solid as Merchant Nailah. With the ability to forge her own wares and the discovery of Inb, Nailah made the decision to pursue the career of merchant apart from her parents. While they continued their nomadic ways, Nailah remained in Thebes to sell her creations and that of others. The brute strength and skills of Inb was also something Nailah was not hesitant to offer, and soon many people knew of the mysterious warrior who had a bloodthirst only rivaled by wild beasts, and could only be contacted through a young artisan trader. She isn't certain, but perhaps that is how a certain Pharaoh grew to learn of her and her abilities, but she wouldn't deny such a well-paying venture. She tirelessly worked her way up from a simple position in the court to Overseer of Treasure. The position was already well-paying, and the connections she discovered while in there was invaluable to her personal ventures, but when a position as Vizier opened up, she knew she had to jump at the opportunity. The exiled prince was her ticket to furthering her success, so she'd play with him for a while as his Vizier, bodyguard, and supplier. If a better offer presented itself, well, she'll just have to cross that bridge when she gets there.[/indent] [center][h3][b][i][color=39b54a]Combat Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=39b54a]Magician:[/color][/b] Yes [b][color=39b54a]Deity:[/color][/b] [url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptah]Ptah[/url], god of craftsmen and architects [b][color=39b54a]Equipment:[/color][/b] [indent]Nailah does not carry any equipment. Technically, it is her donkey that carries them. The donkey - unnamed despite their many years together, and Nailah has just taken to calling it Donkey - follows her around at a leisurely pace. Sometimes, she even rides on it. Its most noticeable baggage is a [url=http://img04.deviantart.net/0f90/i/2006/180/4/4/conjal__s_fantasy_battle_axe_by_fantasystock.jpg]battleaxe[/url] of about four feet in length with its edged blade covered in the markings of Ptah. Donkey also carries a pair of [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BYwbNPbEEiY/UPXGpZjIU9I/AAAAAAAAAJs/huFTcr3TePY/s1600/khopesh_site.png]khopesh[/url] although it is not very often that they're used.[/indent] [b][color=39b54a]Ability:[/color][/b] [indent][b]Magic:[/b] While in terms of magic, Nailah may be a one-show pony, she takes great pride in what she can do. She isn't certain if she can learn more shapes and forms aside from Inb, but she's willing to learn. [b]Charisma:[/b] Nailah grew up in a merchant's family and so sweet-talking their customers has veen a skill she had developed at a young age. Over the years, her bright smile and warm eyes have only helped make her more agreeable, and allows her to have practically anything she wanted just by batting her eyelashes. [i]Of course, if that failed, she could always use force.[/i] [b]Artisan:[/b] Nailah's skills as a craftsman came later in life, after her devotion to her patron deity paid off. While not exactly coated in magic, Nailah soon realized that she could not only sell items, she could also make them. Her crafts mostly came in the shape of clothing, but more recently, she has ventured into the realm of metalsmithing to create tools and weapons. [b][i]Combat Ability:[/i][/b] [i]As Inb, a persona made for one thing and one thing only, Nailah gains combat skills that could match that of trained soldiers, while making leaps and bounds past them in terms of ferocity. She does not have any formal training, though, and as such most of what she knows comes from instinct and what she has observed from the soldiers.[/i][/indent] [b][color=39b54a]Spells/Techniques:[/color][/b] [indent][b]Inb:[/b] Nailah's only technique is her ability to manipulate and essentially transform her anatomy and equipment to create the persona known as Inb. This allows her physical strength and speed to grow exponentially. It is a powerful technique, and as such demands a lot from the magician. Nailah can only enter this state for a limited amount of time, and the longer she stays, the more taxing it is on her body. Reason and logic are also harder to tap into during this state as Inb's only intent is to fight.[/indent] [center][h3][b][i][color=39b54a]Parameters[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b]Essence:[/b] 3 (2) / 5 [b]Attunement:[/b] 4 (4) / 5 [b]Magic:[/b] 4 (1) / 5 [b]Strength:[/b] 1 (5) / 5 [b]Speed:[/b] 2 (4) / 5 [b]Body:[/b] 1 (4) / 5 [b]Wisdom:[/b] 4 (2) / 5 [center][h3][b][i][color=39b54a]Misc. Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] - Information in italics or enclosed in parenthesis refers to Inb [/hider]