[@Rune_Alchemist][@Keksalot][@bluetommy2][@Kronshi][@urukhai][@NerdyFox][@FantasyChic][@Arkaquiavel][@Sketcher][@Sohtem][@PM][@FallingSkies][@Solaris][@Legion02] Okay, phew, that's a lot of us! Time for a long awaited (maybe) update that'll hopefully reach everyone! First of all, I finished off all my character sheets and updated the first post on the character page to include everyone who has [i]submitted their characters officially[/i]. So anyone who's still in the ooc that's been approved (which is everyone in the ooc) should move their people on over so they can get included in the major list. So anyone who has not made a character sheet, I really hope you'll manage to do that soon. I won't rush genius or anything, but I'm hoping to be able to start soon and am waiting for everyone's character. If any of you still pending out there have lost desire in this rp, that's perfectly fine, but please let me know so I won't keep waiting infinitely? Speaking of the start of this rp, I wanted to address that. What I'm thinking is, I'll start it by setting up a crisis in each of the different sectors that specifically pertain to your group, then its free reigns to the leaders on how they are going to deal with that crisis and of course on to all of the people within the group on how they react and follow orders. However, after that first starter boost, I'm imagining everyone will want to become pretty self-sustained and figure out their own issues. If this is not the case or ideas start to run dry, I have no qualms with jump-starting things all over again. Does that sound good to everyone? Oh, also, quick side note, I'll be gone for this entire upcoming weekend and won't have access to a computer so don't burn the place down while I'm gone, I'll be back when I can be.