[Center][h3]Silumin Reserve Front Gate Professor Jonathan[/h3] [@floodtalon] GM: [@I-Am-X][/center] After that little debacle had concluded, things calmed down as the time of day approached afternoon. The sun was still high in the sky, so there was some time for them to look around the reserve before needing to set up camp for the night. The University's Pokemon Center had guest rooms available, and the 24/7 student lounge too. For now they were headed to the reserve. York seemed to be quite eager, despite what status he had as the son of a professor, he was actually not allowed in here. It seems part of the requirements was to be an adequate trainer too, alongside being given permission. They were not allowed to stay after dark however, and some specially assigned rangers start their patrol in the reserve around that time too, so too bad they won't get to see what comes out at night. Even so thinking about all the rare Pokemon they could see was likely worth it anyways. [color=steelblue]"So this is the way to the reserve hm?"[/color], it was quite obvious. There was a big sign saying "Silumin Reserve". Regardless for now he was getting permissions processed with the gate guard for now. [hr] [center] [h3]Shopping Spree - Halogen Mall, Staff Area[/h3] [@Amaterasu][@TalijaKey][@itano123][@I-Am-X][/center] As Dan and Lucy chased after both their Pokemon, and each other, pursuing something or someone darting around the shopping center and entering the back room, they quickly lost sight of whoever it was. As Danilo turned a corner he was grabbed and hand placed over his mouth, he can see whoever this was was holding his Eevee, also hand over mouth, but before either could appropriately panic, he simply went, [color=slategray]"Ssshhh... They'll hear us"[/color], he whispered. Their eyes darted to their side and saw two suspicious men. [i]"Ugh, this mall's a damn maze, what was the way back again? Some of these shutters closed up because they botched the initial hack"[/i], as the two calmed down he let them go, and pulled out a Pokeball. [color=slategray]"You two, and the girl, just wait here"[/color], he said. He spotted Lucy from behind the corner. The two peered out as the man walked out to fight. Now that they weren't in some random corner, [url=http://i.imgur.com/kZtHPuE.jpg]they can see who it was quite clearly[/url]. The two suspicious men turned to see him, and both called up their Pokemon. The man called forth a Kingler, and subsequently made short work of them. After they were beaten he tied them up against one of the pipes, after which he turned to Danilo and Lucy. [color=slategray]"Alright, first, what are two young trainers doing all the way back here during an emergency?"[/color], he asked.