[centre][h2][color=f6989d]Cassandra[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RPO6P8A.png[/img] [@Lonewolf685][/centre] As Nies Hellum continued to walk, she tapped her staff, now merely trying to make a tune and give her something to focus on, her thoughts still churning away inside of her. At this rate, she'd end up never getting to Eclipse Princess, never finding any answers, and she was just contemplating stealing a vehicle, when someone called out to her, from a vehicle. [color=6ecff6]"Hey, climb aboard! Eclipse Princess says we need people on the left flank yesterday!" [/color] Curious at the timing, the chance of fate, she flashed them a smile, grateful for the chance to at least get somewhat closer to her destination, she approached, slipping her staff to its holster on her back, she figured that, perhaps niavely, they weren't going to kill her. [color=f6989d]"Well, I'm always happy to help. Is that where eclipse is? i was suppose to meet her at the gate, but I appear to have gotten myself wonderfully lost"[/color] She said with confidence, that surprised her somewhat, but what really did she have to lose? She'd either get there or she wouldn't, she'd live or die, but one way or the other, she was going to get answers. Ensuring her staff wasn't going to fall, she climbed in, saying [color=f6989d]"Thank you for stopping, I was just thinking what a long journey it is on foot. I'm Nies Hellum"[/color] She said, rather cheerfully. Where was this peppy, confident person coming from? Was it really as simple as she had nothing to lose? She could lose everything! And maybe that was it. Maybe...in the face of fear...she could find who she truly was. Contemplating that for a moment, Nies looked to her companions, and smiled. [color=f6989d]"Forgive me, i must appear crazier then a cuckoo bird"[/color] Was that even a saying? Nies found that she was beyond caring. [color=f6989d]"i apologise"[/color]