[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Isabella[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [hider=The O' Great and Mighty Ping List] [@Kyrisse][@BlackPanther][@Gareth][@Esailia][@canaryrose][@Xandrya][@Shadow Daedalus][@Ashevelendar][/hider][/centre] [hr][hr] Taking in the sight of the Magi, muzzled and chained to ensure their obedience, Isabella frowned, quickly changing her expression to one that was more neutral. Isabella had no issues with Magi-her elven breathern, some of them at least, were after all magic users, although she knew this was keep a secret if it was the case-or rather tried, She doubted many got a way. Mostly she just didn't see the problem with magic-she had a theory that the citadel knew the magi's were dangerous, and were usign suppression to stop them realising it themselves. So it was with spectualtion that isabella studied the magi. The others that had been and were being led in held very little interest to her. She listened to why they were here, standing with her hands cross in front of her, over her stomach, a proper lady, yet almost looking like a...well solider as she took the information in. She had doubts about the mission, about whether or not it was even valid, when a girl spoke up. [b]"..What stops them from slashing out throats at night and run away to be free ? "[/b] And she narrowed her eyes slightly, her gaze traveling to the magi again. She doubted they would do anything of the sought. People had a rather...monster outlook towards Magi, when they were, at the point of it, just people. And people did bad things, sure, but they didn't do them because they could do magic. She lost a bit of what was being said, as all she heard was [color=007236]"Now. Guards ! Inject everyone with the new explosive devices. "[/color] And she didn't have time to react, as suddenly she injected, held from behind. Pulling herself away, she snarled, and smoothed her clothes once more, and if she had her weapons, she might very well have killed someone. Glaring towards Markovic, she turned once on her heel, and started out, more then frustrated with the situation. [color=coral]"You disgrace yourself and us by forcing this upon us sir, one might wonder if you had an ulterior motive"[/color] She said, choosing to throw caution to the wind. [color=coral]"I will do what is required of me, as I always do"[/color]