[hider=Nebet] [center][color=0054a6][h1][b][i]Priestess Nebet[/i][/b][/h1][/color] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/731/40642e682b59ef94bb3f3083d5e484a64be4b11a.png?1429121[/img] [color=0054a6][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'6"[/center] [color=0054a6][center][h3][b][i]Personal Information[/i][/b][/h3][/center][/color] [color=0054a6][b]Name:[/b][/color] Nebet [color=0054a6][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Priestess, is simply what she is called by most. [color=0054a6][b]Sex:[/b][/color] Female [color=0054a6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 [b]Date of Birth:[/b] March 6th [color=0054a6] [b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Standing at five foot six, and a rather serious expression Nebet can come off as rather intimidating and no-nonsense in her attitude. She has long black hair, falling past her shoulders to the small of her back. Typically she wears simple, but elegant seeming white garb with golden ornaments around her neck and a simple golden headband holding her hair in place. The robe falls to the ground, and is light and allows one easy movement. On her feet, she wears simple open toed sandals. As far as physical appearances go, most would consider her a beauty. The arm bracelets holding up her sleeves, depicts that of a serpent coiling around her arms. [color=0054a6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Nebet at her core, is a kind, if serious soul. She dislikes any sort of shenanigans and takes great offense to any sort of interruptions of the daily routine or the way things are normally run. There is an order to everything, and that order is there for a reason, and to escape or interfere with that order would be pure folly. She takes her job as a Priestess very, very, seriously, some might say much too seriously. She can at times, have trouble relaxing and tends to shoulder burdens by herself and at times forgets she can ask others for help, if she needs it. Law and order are paramount to her, and any attempts to disrupt that order would be met with stern resistance. She is incredibly polite in most dealings with people, and always urges for others to be as well. While she doesn't dislike violence, peaceful solutions should always be explored first before one takes up arms. Perhaps a bit odd, for one who works close with the embalmers of the dead, but she is not eager to send anyone on their way to judgement in Duat. She knows better than anyone how frightening such a thing as facing the executioners sword, so to speak. She holds herself and others to a strict moral code, one she loathes to break on any sort of occasion. However, one should note if she is angered in some fashion she is surprisingly...violent. Conflicts should be ended quickly and precisely, and without hesitation. This violent part of her personality likely stems from her life before she was a priestess. As a thief, grave robber, and generally bad seed sort, one had to have a sense for such things. While most of these traits can make her seem a bit...difficult to approach at first, one would find her surprisingly caring about those around her. She'll listen to any woes you might have, or any sort of troubles and do her best to help within the confines of the law. [color=0054a6][b]Biography:[/b][/color] Originally born to a simple poor craftsman family, Nebet didn't have a very easy life growing up. She spent most of her time in the slums causing trouble for the local guard and generally just being a little hellion. If one of her old acquaintances saw her now they would be thoroughly, thoroughly, shocked. She quickly learned how to do some simple breaking and entering, and how to move relatively unseen and learning how to 'talk' her way out of situations if she did get caught. Not exactly a perfect life for a small girl to grow up in, but she made the best of it, even if she was somewhat jaded by the experience. Sometime later, such a life couldn't sustain her nor her family. With her father falling ill, she decided to take up a small profit putting on shows - namely dancing and other such acts. After a few months of bumbling around and finding a small group of musicians and artisans to travel with, her natural dexterity and quick wit allowed her to do the act well enough. Besides, it was fun and it brought in a decent amount of money. It was a pretty good gig compared to her thieving. Too bad she couldn't just quit and lead her life that way. It was too much fun - the thrill one got from such things is like a sirens call, and difficult to resist once one had done it. Her and a few others of the small troupe made a living of finding old tombs - and pilfering any valuables they could get their mitts on and selling them. By the time she was sixteen, she had already successfully robbed at least three different tombs, some multiple times before their little group was caught. When they were, it wasn't pretty. Grave robbers fates are not something to be envied, and such offenses are dealt with harshly. Now, Nebet had never been particularly religious. She had always thought the gods petty beings that simply looked down on people at best, nonexistent at worst. She had always heard tales of their miracles and wizards and such, and even met a few people who could do such things but had always passed it off as trickery. As she was awaiting judgement for her crimes, a priest in a temple of worship caught wind of what happened. He was a priest of Anubis, and he offered her a chance to both cleanse her soul before she passed on to Duat, and a chance to lead a better life. As terrified of death as she was, she accepted without hesitation. For the next four years, Nebet learned at the temple under his careful guidance. She learned proper embalming techniques, and gained a new respect for both the dead, gods, and scholars themselves. The young adult especially found the scriptures of Anubis to affect her deeply. Eventually, she pledged herself to the deity and started learning sorcery and magic. She practiced embalming, and began to spend her days in both quiet meditation and training. When the previous pharaoh passed, the head priest at the temple asked her to advise his young successor on both spiritual matters, and matters pertaining to the law. Reluctantly, Nebet accepted. She was not eager to serve the Pharaoh directly, but if that is what she was tasked with she would do it. [center][color=0054a6][h3][b][i]Combat Information[/i][/b][/h3][/color][/center] [color=0054a6][b]Magician:[/b][/color] Yes [color=0054a6][b]Deity:[/b][/color][url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis]Anubis[/url] [color=0054a6][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] While Nebet generally has little on her person, her weapon of choice should she require one is the Ceremonial [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/57/f4/31/57f4311aa1c4bb5bc7068f0e727b8626.jpg]Fan Axe[/url]. The ceremonial item, was of course, never originally intended to be used in combat, but Nebet has made it an effective tool. The one she wields acts as a fairly effective, if lightweight halberd that is used primarily for slashing. With her skills as a dancer and general dexterity, its a fairly effective weapon despite her physical abilities not being the better out there. One does not have to be overwhelmingly strong to win a fight, merely know how to use their weapon the best. Combine this with her sorcery and magic, the weapon is highly effective. Generally, if out and about the city or doing something other than her duties as a priestess, she has the weapon with her. It is a weapon as much as it is a symbol of status, and she likes to keep it close. [color=0054a6][b]Ability:[/b][/color] [b][i]Thievery:[/i][/b] While she hardly employs such skills these days due to her position as a priestess, it is true she has knowledge of thievery, stealth, lockpicking and seduction. She doesn't employ them any more, but if the situation calls for it she could do such things fairly well. [b][i]Dancing:[/i][/b] Nebet has a history of a dancer, meaning she is more than both a little flexible and fairly light on her feet and acrobatic. While she does lack the natural strength some others might, she knows how to use her agility and acrobatics well enough, and how to use her Fan Axe to deflect and parry blows of beings even stronger than she is. [b][i]Scholar, follower of Law:[/i][/b] Nebet has spent most of the years since her time as a priestess, studying law and scholarly pursuits such as mathematics and similar things. [b][i]Priestess of Anubis:[/i][/b] Being a priestess of Anubis, Nebet has the ability to cast spells. This takes the form of curses, and some basic soul based magic. This is done by Manipulating life essence to cause 'disruptions' in another persons essence. [b]Spells/Techniques:[/b] [list] Nebet's spells are a little less on the direct side of things. Her patron deity, Anubis deals more with the soul of the human body than with any sort of direct fighting. She is fairly skilled with magic involving curses, those effecting the senses, as well as a few minor spells use for protection of herself and others. This, also means she is quite adept at removing curses, debilitating effects and things of similar natures as well. [b]-Soul Shield:[/b] Places a barrier of ones Life Essence around oneself to absorb and deflect attacks. [b]-Soul Detect:[/b] One is able to detect the soul of another and locate them. Most useful in situations where one suspects they may be ambushed, or where ones senses may otherwise be skewed. [b]-Balefire:[/b] This flame, is one of the few forms of direct attack Nebet has. Ceremonial fires of the dead, used to help guide lost souls on their journey in the afterlife. The fire itself doesn't burn as normal fire, and is pleasantly warm, but drains ones spirit should it mark them. It is how most, if not all of her curses are delivered. She could likely get more proficient with it, and use it for different purposes if her Attunement with Anubis becomes better, but she has been unable to make progress in that regard recently. [b]-Curse of Anubis, Weight of Sin:[/b] The first curse she learned, the only one that does not require balefire to use. A simple touch is enough to mark a single person. Otherwise, she takes a stalwart stance with legs apart, facing her target head on, Nebet raises the Fan Axe upwards before making a sweeping motion towards her target as balefire engulfs the area. The curse is quite simple. It affects the one who is cursed by it, but altering the flow of essence to make them weaker. Any weapons, armor, or anything any living being is carrying on their person suddenly feels as though it is 10x heavier than it actually is, meaning one would require much greater effort to carry a sword and their armor would feel as though it is crushing them beneath it should they wear it and forcing them to their knees in repentance. The effect is nearly absolute, though those with sufficient strength will find the effects of the curse easier to shrug off. There is of course, a time limit and with time the curse will fade. [b]-Wrath of Anubis, Bindings of the Dead:[/b] Striking the ground with the Fan Axe, Nebet borrows from the spirits of the dead momentarily. The Balefire partially summons spirits of the dead. Hands of the dead crawl from the ground and hold whatever they touch in place for a time. One can cut themselves free of these bindings if they are able, as well as if they have sufficient strength pull themselves from it. [b]-Wrath of Anubis, Anubis' Fury:[/b] As much as he is a judge of souls, Anubis is a protector of tombs. He strikes down those who would defile such holy places and leaves their souls to rot in the realm of the dead. It, is the only direct method she has of attacking someone. Focusing Essence in the palm of her hand, she summons a powerful, baleful flame to directly burn their body in a brilliant explosion of flame. The strength is enough to crack solid stone. It is a close range attack, and while somewhat difficult to pull off it is incredibly devastating - if you get caught with Bindings, or are slowed by the Weight, then you can expect her to try and follow up with this. [b]-Curse of Anubis, Judgement of the Sinful:[/b] Thrusting the Fan Axe forward, the blade cuts into the very soul of whoever it strikes with its baleful flames. Those souls who weigh heavier than a feather of Ma'at, are cast out and devoured by Ammit, destined to become restless forever and to 'die' a second time. While this spell is merely a pale imitation of such a fate, and is by no means permanent it is a thing to be feared regardless. Currently, the most powerful spell in her Arsenal. Her most powerful curse. It comes in several stages: Stage one - A persons skin becomes incredibly dry, the water from their very bodies evaporating into nowhere. Yet, it leaves just enough to keep them alive, giving them an incredibly debilitating sense of dehydration and thirst. Stage Two - The target's motor control starts to go. Small, and unnoticeable at first, but soon they might find their limbs being sluggish to move, or moving erratically. Eventually, their limbs will refuse to want to move altogether and the simple act of moving anything will become extremely painful. Stage Three - Eventually, the affected will start losing any sense of self, becoming 'lost'. Vision will be obscured, thoughts will become clouded and they will forget whatever it was they were doing, becoming lost in a void until the curse is lifted. Their arms will lose all strength and they will move slowly to onlookers. It is far from fatal, and those with strong enough sense of purpose or self will find stage three less than effective, but if one has questions or qualms about what they are doing they will find this stage to be particularly terrifying. The curse can only be applied on a target individually one at a time, and is particularly draining to use. Lifting the curse is a matter of her doing it herself, or someone proficient at such things doing it themselves. She is hesitant to use this on anyone for various reasons. [/list] [color=0054a6][center][h3][b][i]Parameters[/i][/b][/h3][/center][/color] [color=0054a6][b]Essence:[/b][/color] 4/ 5 [color=0054a6][b]Attunement:[/b][/color] 3 / 5 [color=0054a6][b]Magic:[/b][/color] 4 / 5 [color=0054a6][b]Strength:[/b][/color] 2 / 5 [color=0054a6][b]Speed:[/b][/color] 3 / 5 [color=0054a6][b]Body:[/b][/color] 2 / 5 [color=0054a6][b]Wisdom:[/b][/color] 5 / 5 [color=0054a6][center][h3][b][i]Misc. Information[/i][/b][/h3][/center][/color] -Name comes from the first of the only two historically accurate Female Viziers. [/hider]