[hider=Zamonth] [center][h1][b][i][color=662d91]Zamonth The Slayer[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/fe1477e61f59672878d9f54f1704c439/tumblr_ns5xtnCB1y1rxd5pto1_1280.jpg[/img] [b][color=662d91]Height:[/color] 6'3[/b] [h3][b][i][color=662d91]Personal Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=662d91]Name:[/color][/b] Zamonth [b][color=662d91]Alias:[/color][/b] Zamonth The Slayer [b][color=662d91]Sex:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=662d91]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=662d91]Appearance:[/color][/b] Zamonth is a tall, burly man. He is in prime physique and his sheer size alone intimidates even the bravest of warriors, not to mention his icey glare. [hider=Magician Form] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/794f6172dd592531001fa1843f2cc49b/tumblr_ni4otbHrO21tdrmq5o1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][color=662d91]Date of Birth:[/color][/b] September 15 [b][color=662d91]Personality:[/color][/b] Despite having an intimidating reputation and form, Zamonth is actually very lax and easy-going. He follows orders and is very patient. To those that do not know him, he will still seem quiet and moody. But around comrades, Zamonth is . . . still often quiet and moody. But stick around long enough and you will see Zamonth burst with excitement at the opportunity to fight a worthy foe, enjoy delicious food, drink superb tasting wine. In moments of joy, Zamonth will drop his silent and mature demeanor and at times appear to be a flat out child. But this is not to say that Zamonth does not have a temper. Should you not only upset Zamonth, but truly anger and disrespect him, he will erupt into what can be described as a blind fury of destruction and chaos. He will not stop until he pummels his opponent into the ground, heavily driving the point that he is unhappy and much more powerful than his foe. When in combat but of a calm mind, Zamonth is not as ruthless, but still overwhelmingly destructive at times. That's not to say he won't try and gauge his attacks, as he will nonchalantly knock weak opponents unconscious, but he does sometimes struggle to monitor his strength. All in all, Zamonth is honest, loyal, and despite his darker background is obviously seeking a somewhat different lifestyle than that of before. [b][color=662d91]Biography:[/color][/b] Evident by his skin tone, Zamonth is not originally of Egypt. He comes from another land, one more tropical and shaded from the intense sun. With a very different culture, it is here that he endured the painful process of tattooing his body and becoming the excellent swimmer he is today. In his lands, survival of the fittest took on another meaning in that ruling tribes and leaders were determined by strength and challenges of endurance. Those who could not compete in such endeavors were not able to hold any authority and had little say in decision making. Here, Zamonth was conditioned to fight from birth. Born with an indomitable spirit and unwavering determination he easily rose to the top ranks of warriors. It was not long after early adolescence that Zamonth became a champion not only of his tribe's combat ring, but of the entire island civilization he lived on. Wishing to see his tribe have all their needs and desires satisfied, Zamonth fought brutally against any that dared challenge his tribe, their land. For favor of unclaimed lands and trading negotiations, Zamonth would swim against other tribe's most powerful, seeing who could swim furthest out into the raging ocean-and make it back. For a few years Zamonth's tribe enjoy the ultimate lifestyle of the island, until a rivaling and jealous tribe decided to try and take that away. One night while Zamonth was quite a distance from his land, night fishing for large nocturnal prey that would feed his people, this tribe ambushed his village. By the time Zamonth noticed the fire and smoke looming from his village and made his way back, the his entire tribe had been slaughtered. Normally this would have been a breach of agreement established by his very tribe, but in this island, survival of the fittest decided unspoken law. With his tribe murdered there was no one to try them, in fact, [i]they[/i] were now the supreme tribe. The title did not last long however, as Zamonth, blinded by his fury, in return mercilessly obliterated the rival tribe. Afterwards, there was nothing left for him however. With no home, no family, and a disgust for the world he once was apart of, Zamonth decided to leave the beautiful but dangerous island he had lived in all his life. Creating a vessel made of some of the strongest wood in the land, Zamonth set out to the sea and made his way for the nearest land to his island, the land known as Egypt. Though he was familiar with the sea and fishing, the journey to Egypt was long and grueling. One night in the midst of a fever induced semi-conscious dream, Zamonth was approached with a voice, the voice belonging to someone that called herself "Ammit, The Devourer of the Dead." She told Zamonth that although this journey would at the time be the greatest task he'd complete, should he survive, that much more would be possible should he succeed. Upon reaching the land known as Egypt, this deity would grace Zamonth for his display of power, his display of determination, and soon, the wrath that he would bring upon Egypt; but what his wrath would be used for, that, was up to him. So long as death of the wicked hearts were carried out. Upon arriving, Zamonth quickly learned that those with power sought to take advantage of others all throughout the world. Weakened from his trip, slavers captured Zamonth and decided to take him back to their gladiator arena. On the day Zamonth arrived to the arena, he had no food and little water in his system. He was placed in in a cell next to someone he soon learned was Amen. It was then he learned of Amen's origin, his desires in this world, and his own cruel fate. With unexpected generosity, Amen offered what little food he had to Zamonth, having been enslaved much longer than Zamonth had been but also having eaten more recently. The next time Amen was thrown into the arena, two unexpected things happened. Fueled by not only rage from his slaughtered tribe and the slavers here in Egypt, but a new sense of justice, Zamonth exploded into a frenzy. He decided that even if he should die here, he would kill as many slavers as he could and help Amen see freedom to hopefully one day right the wrongs he and this land suffered. It was then that the god of war, Ammit, first came to Zamonth and granted him the power of the gods. Lacking magic teaching and experience meant nothing as Ammit cared for but one thing: Zamonth's power. The slavers stood no chance against Zamonth as he wiped out nearly half their forces. If not for his exhaustion, he would surely have killed them all, but the god form took its toll on the barely fed Zamonth and he resorted to a weakened human form. Fortunately, on that day, a band of thieves decided to steal from the slavers as well. Whether by their own good will or the impressive will of Amen and Zamonth to escape, they decided to help free all the prisoners. From then on Zamonth and Amen traveled with this band of thieves, stealing but not without their own unique moral code. Thanks to stolen teachings, mainly obtained by Amen, Zamonth has learned basic magic skills/spells and has continued to strengthen his bonds with the gods. Once Amen was called back to the kingdom, Zamonth accepted an offer to come along with him and serve as one of his Viziers, specifically as a body guard, combat instructor, and ultimate warrior weapon. [center][h3][b][i][color=662d91]Combat Information[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=662d91]Magician:[/color][/b] Yes [b][color=662d91]Deity:[/color][/b] Ammit; Beginning study on Khnum [b][color=662d91]Equipment:[/color][/b] [i]Broadsword-[/i] Zamonth is very proficient with blades, and his great strength allows him to wield even the heaviest of swords. His broadsword is extra long, possible not only thanks to his strength but impressive height. Because of this he has a very broad attack range. His custom sword guard allows him to snare enemy blades and easily disarm them with his overwhelming power. [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w496/indigowolfxx/Broadsword_zpsql5q5r8p.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b][color=662d91]Ability:[/color][/b] [i]Physical Strength:[/i] Zamonth is unmatched in physical prowess, able to easily lift heavy objects and push back large opponents. In his time as a thief, he used his strength to help in missions. [i]Swimming:[/i] Coming from an island and traveling the ocean, Zamonth is an excellent swimmer and can hold his breath for a very, very long time. [i]Water Magic:[/i] While not the most skilled in casting spells, Zamonth does have a natural affinity with water and thus can perform various feats with water, such as creating oxygen bubbles underwater and creating ice barriers. Having Ammit, a part reptilian/hippopotamus deity, also increases his ability with water. [b][color=662d91]Spells/Techniques:[/color][/b] [i]Scale Armor:[/i] Guided more by Zamonth's patron deity and affinity with water than a spell book, he can cast ice scales around his body that protect his flesh and make holding him in place very difficult. [i]Ice Spikes:[/i] Projectiles made of ice can be fired from Zamonth's hands, either individually or in a barrage. [i]Lion's Senses:[/i] Using the lion senses granted to him by Ammit, Zamonth can temporarily gain enhanced senses, primarily those of hearing and smell. This also grants him increased balance and a boost in agility. [i]Weapons Master:[/i] Zamonth is proficient with various weapons, though heavy weapons are his upmost specialty. In the heat of battle, Zamonth will disarm opponents and turn their weapons against them. His sword and arm guard are specifically designed to increase his defense and disarming ability. [i]Jaws of Death:[/i] Using both arms, Zamonth creates a 'set of jaws' that become surrounded in large ice teeth. With the 'strength of the lion, hippopotamus and crocodile', these jaws (though limited in direction once created) are near impossible to escape and will crush opponents before literally freezing their bodies and draining them of whatever life they have left. [i]Ice Sheet:[/i] Zamonth can cover surfaces and with enough will even thin air into sheets of ice. This can make it hard for enemies to keep their footing, but also allow for Zamonth to slide quickly from place to place; even over dangerous falls and elements. On a smaller scale, Zamonth can coat weapons with ice to deal elemental damage to enemies. [i]"Eater of Hearts":[/i] Allowing Ammit to fill him completely, Zamonth can take on the god like form of a giant humanoid demon crocodile. This increases his already great height, strength, endurance, and durability. Normal weapons deal no damage to his thick scales and even magic attacks are now less effective against the normally more vulnerable Zamonth. Unlike most deity forms, Ammit's is feared as Ammit is a demon that devours unworthy souls and sends them to the fiery lake of fire that is her stomach. [center][h3][b][i][color=662d91]Parameters[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=662d91]Essence:[/color][/b] 4 / 5 [b][color=662d91]Attunement:[/color][/b] 4 / 5 [b][color=662d91]Magic:[/color][/b] 2 / 5 [b][color=662d91]Strength:[/color][/b] 5 / 5 [b][color=662d91]Speed:[/color][/b] 3 / 5 [b][color=662d91]Body:[/color][/b] 4 / 5 [b][color=662d91]Wisdom:[/color][/b] 1 / 5 [center][h3][b][i][color=662d91]Misc. Information [/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] -Ammit is a demon that devours unpure souls who fail to pass Annubis's judgement. Not being evil per say, this does cause Ammit to have a great appetite for souls and thus push warrior's to prematurely end the lives of the wicked. The consequences are not always ideal, but such is the role of a demon.[/hider]