[Color=purple]Xu Jin[/color] Xu Jin arrived at Hu Lao Gate. He took a glance at the approaching Coalition forces led by Cao Cao from atop the Gate. He could see various warlords from across the country readying their armies and Xu Jin couldn't help but think that the pincer attack could easily demolish the enemy army. He used the telescope and saw new soldiers he'd never seen before, there was a man with long dark hair and twin swords working for the Sun's and what looked like a foreigner in Cao Cao's camp. Xu Jun climbed down the gate and approached Lu Bu. "So, it looks like Lord Dong Zhou is banking this battle on you, Lord Lu Bu." Xu Jin said to him. "That fat oaf may be a fool, but at least he has a good eye for talent!" Retorted Lu Bu. "Ha, you might be right there, Lu Bu. But I still can't fight the feeling that Dong Zhou is going to pull a dishonorable, cowardly act. Hiding in the castle of Luoyang and all..." said Xu Jin "It doesn't matter what happens, we'll destroy them all!" Screamed Lu Bu