[Center][h2][color=gray]Talonite[/color][/h2] [@Amaterasu][@Sho Minazuki][@I-Am-X][/center] Talonite walked to the Reserve alongside York, stroking his Wimpod in an effort to calm it down and Necro floating beside them happily. When he had discovered the Wimpod he was overjoyed to find out that this was what Guzma had given him and it probably overshadowed how terrible the rest of his day had been. He was still trying to come up with a name for the little guy though. It had calmed down a bit and now it was mainly curious about what was going on around it, trying to make itself look tough. York was feeling pretty excited about the Reserve and Talonite couldn't entirely blame him. There were sure to be some great Pokemon inside, he was hoping to find a good fighting type to help round out his party. There were a few other trainers around, likely some people who helped to stop Team Arclight during their raid on the University. Strange thing that was, the Admin clearly had more Pokemon available on his belt, yet he ran away when that one Grunt got done with the machine. Perhaps they were trying to sell information on it to someone else? That's what Skull would've done. Talonite shook his head and placed his Wimpod on his shoulder, letting it chill put for a while. The Wimpod started trying to look intimidating and big upon his shoulder and Talonite shook his head. Perhaps Goliath was a good name for him. Intimidating, yet likely to be brought down by a single stone.