"Mornin' " Sky responded quietly without looking away from her book. She wondered why she even had a book titled '[url=https://www.amazon.com/dp/1140714600/?tag=mentalfloss0a-20]Sun-beams may be extracted from cucumbers, but the process is tedious.[/url]' in her bag, but hey it's still a reading material, isn't it? Unlike the title might suggest, this book isn't about cucumbers (or sunbeams for that matter), this book is about Federalist response to Thomas Jefferson. History of America was truly interesting. She glanced up at the clock: 5 minutes left. She violently stuffed 'Sun-beams may be extracted from cucumbers, but the process is tedious.' into her satchel and began drawing comics on a random piece of paper she found in her bag. As she finished the line art of the characters she turned the paper around realising she drew on her timetable. Sky facepalmed. "Just great" she muttered.