Kai was pretty glad that driving the shuttle was something he definitely didn’t need to do now, or hopefully at all for a while when given that much stress to be quick and drive fast. If he was going to learn driving in the future he’d rather it just be for general use and not for emergencies or warzones, he didn’t need that in his life. Having Leto decide to take over driving was probably for the best so long as he didn’t jolt the vehicle around and cause a lot of discovered and possibly the death of Viral in the process, that would just make the whole thing pointless. Everybody was needing seen to, but Viral definitely more than anyone else. For now he was going to have to help out his brother and the others with getting Viral into the back without jolting him too much, definitely a fair big task to undertake if he was to survive. It didn’t matter if he got covered in blood doing it, he was already bloodied and bruised after the last battle. As the twins moved over to Viral they both moved in sync to get Viral hoisted off the ground safely and with as limited jolting as possible. Despite everyone helping they both felt pretty weak, having used up most of their energy fighting. It was a bad time for everyone and hopefully the hospital hadn’t actually been blown up in the fighting. Viral went a little nuts at the end and blew up a fair bit, so hopefully he hadn’t actually ended up blowing up his only salvation too. Once he was in the vehicle the twins both moved over to their own seats, Choi feeling more relieved than Kai for finding the time to relax. Choi wasn’t very good at handling stress and the possibility of death, it just wasn’t a very nice thing to experience and he was going to be stressing out about it for the rest of the day until everybody was stable once more. He especially didn’t like it when someone like Yumi was clearly upset, but there wasn’t much he could do about that either. Viral really didn’t like the whole moving process, especially when it made it even worse to try and stay awake. He had already lost a fair volume of blood so feeling dizzy along with the pain and exhaustion was not a good combination. Everything was just a swirl in his eyes and he could no longer really see, just the sounds of others around him that sometimes faded briefly. Feeling the solid surface of the vehicle again he felt some relief, but not a lot as everything just continued to remain bad. He was trying to hang on but he didn’t know how much longer he could keep it up and remain awake. Hearing Yumi only slightly as she decided being quiet was better for him he grunted, moving his head slightly. “If…I died…Aito would kill me…” he spoke slowly, sounding like he was losing it somewhat, “It was…my…mission…”