Name: Maxi Churrox Age/Race/Gender: 27/ Human/ Male Appearance: Maxi is a very unintimidating looking individual. Standing at about 5'5, he isn't the tallest, and from a glance you can tell he'd lose an arm wrestle against the majority of the crew. His constant time indoors has left him rather pale, but not to an unhealthy degree. Perhaps the most unintimidating thing about him is his glasses- he wears large swirly glasses, almost in a comedic fashion. They're white with a red swirl on them, and he never takes them off, leading to a rather goofy first impression. His hair looks like it was blown up one too many times- it's a light, near white colour, with a few burnt hairs here and there. He dyed the tips of his hair blue. It's very ruffled and messy, poking up at odd angles and reaching roughly to his chin. Attire wise, sans armor, he almost never changes out of his lab coat, and he wears a blue t shirt and jeans to match. Occupation: Chemical Biologist / Medic Weapons: Simple handheld laser gun Simple ballistic gun Being a medic with minimal combat ability, Maxi only carries two simple pistols; guns that are easy enough for an ameteur to use, and two different kinds to deal with either type of armor. They aren't very fancy, and are more or less only for self defense. He hopes to get better with wielding weapons so he can upgrade to something that packs a bit more of a punch and won't just get him out of a pinch. Armor: He uses powered armor, which is lightweight and rather durable. Since he needs to be able to work on the field, his armor only fully covers vital points- a helmet for the head and neck, and a chestplate for any internal organs. The rest of the armor is rather thin, so it's very easy to move in and allows him to work on mending injuries better but can't stand too many hits in contrast to what covers his vital organs. Items: Maxi has a small, white cube robot that breaks into smaller cubes and floats around behind him. He didn't build it, though he can repair it if it breaks. It acts as an assistant to his work and stores anything he doesn't want looked at by others, as well as supplies for on the field. It's very durable, but has no real combat abilities for retaliation. Functions well on the field as a way for Maxi to have any medical supplies on hand in the heat of a battle. Skills: Excellent with biological and chemical related subjects (medicine, viruses, and chemical influence on biological beings). Dabbles a little into robotics and physics as more of a hobby than anything, good problem solving skills. Ridiculously good liar. Powers: Due to exposure to strange forces, Maxi gained a rather strange psiionic ability. It allows him to predict the approximate percent chance of a persons death if they complete an action. He can't tell how they would die, and percentages are still percentages (someone can still die at a 1 percent chance of death), but it does help to warn for dangers that are unknown and allows him to tread the path in which he can minimize the chance of casualties. Other: He's in room 9 ;w;