Once Celes saw Spruce wake up.. she could not resist. She hugged him close to her. "Thank god your alive Spruce.. I was so worried.. I ... I though you were going to die... I though I was going to lose you... " she then says, worried, keeping him close. When the doctor arrive, she looked at him and listened. Well... he was probably really tired or something. It was then that she heard what Spruce asked... She looked at him, worried. "Spruce... Deep down I feel like we are doing the right thing... I know it might be though to believe that... but no matter what.. we need to keep going and try to save the world. " she says, staying close to him. [hr] Eralion looked at Bonnie, and saw the job she took. She looked at it, and smiled a bit. "So.. we are gonna try to take on your father henchman... I do feel like beating him down after all that he did last time... We will need to be extra careful though, if your father ends up near... we will need to deal with him also, and god know how that might end difficult. Lets just hope that everything will be ok." he says, moving forwards, determined a bit. This time, considering his new form, he actually felt more ready then before. This time, the group might be able to take him down.