HI HELLO SORRY IVE BEEN DROWNING IN WORK stupid CAD programs never let me do what I want I swear to god Anyways, Atrophy has about summed it up: At this point, we unfortunately don't have a ton of options for introducing characters. We're all on a boat together in the middle of nowhere having just survived a crazy tiger monkey thing. Anyone who's in the story at this point kind of needs to be on the boat. That being said, what I [i]could[/i] do is create a few NPCs and sort of work your character in separately, and put them on a collision course with our crew. So you wouldn't meet them right away, but I'd have some nifty NPCs to keep you company in the meantime, like Conway for BoatSquad[sub]tm[/sub] There is some precedent for this: by that I mean that the Devil Divers (who are kind of like this world's Moon-walkers in terms of legendary-ness), have been missing for 100 years: whos to say they couldn't have found a small island and settled down, and maybe had some kids. If you did like this idea, if would give you a good discourse with our very own Constance, who claims to be of Devil Diver descent herself (allegedly). Secondly, just because there isn't any [i]known[/i] inhabited islands out there, doesn't mean there aren't any, period. We could easily work in a character born and raised outside of the Ring of Thunder. The issue there would be that there would likely be a language barrier. I could allowed this to just go unchallenged, but tbh in my worlds I like to keep things as realistic as I can (An example being I spent like 2 hours researching cameras to determine if Edward could even carry a portable camera with him in the time period we're in...then I said fuck it and did it anyway). [EDIT]: A stowaway to another expedition would also work, and I could actually modify my planned storyline a bit to make that a kind of a big thing. But again, you wouldn't be able to join up with the rest of the crew right away. Either way, [@Vicier] if you could go to the OOC post for this RP and read through all the lore, I think you'd have a better idea of how to make a character who might fit. It's a bit of a read, granted, but I'm going to have to insist on it at this point, since we're decently far in to this RP. but seriously I wouldn't mind another character [hr] also to everyone, I'm thinking about making some shorter posts just because it's really hard to have characters talk to each other in long posts. thoughts? It would still be high quality stuff I promise, but while we're all talking we might just want to make it a bit easier